October 12th, 2016 is National Train Your Brain Day.
“In the human mind, the number of possible connections that can be made between neurons greatly exceeds the number of atoms in the universe.” Alan Moore
The human brain– composing a mere two percent of our overall body mass, yet requiring nearly a quarter of our energy consumption to function– holds capabilities reaching farther than those of any other life form we share the earth with, abilities extending far beyond those of any flora or fauna thinkable. Yes, we hold this to be an evident truth, our intellectual superiority. But, what is it that distinguishes the human mind from the mind of a turtle, a parrot, a flea?
“Cognitive awareness!” chime the neurologists. The body’s cerebral cortex holds the key to our human advantage. Our remarkable cognitive capacity is what sets us apart from all other species.
To think– a little collection of areas and cortexes (a mushy brain that may as well be a pile uncooked hamburger meat) is the sole factor determining whether humans or bears get to enjoy conveniences such as grocery stores or automobiles. Our special noggins are exactly what allow us to sit at the throne of the Kingdom Animalia, the reason humans sit behind the wheels of cars instead of whales or raccoons (though a world with animals alongside humans in the public sphere, on the road with us and in the workplace, is a world I wouldn’t mind living in).
Unique, as well, in its ability to “recall the past, plan for the future, reason abstractly and navigate complex social relationships,” (bigthink.com) the human brain is something pretty special. And, today we get to celebrate the human brain we are all so lucky to have, a mind capable of bringing into existence the great pyramids of Egypt, thousands of dialects and written languages, the wheel; a mind capable of expanding, of being trained!
Your mind is something fantastic and miraculous, and to let it sit idly would be an unfortunate waste. In the spirit of National Train Your Brain Day, here are five ways you can enhance the health of your brain:
- Memory games– practice mental math, test your ability to recall by creating lists in your head, or draw a map from memory!
- Routine changes– deviate from your daily norms, in ways as simple as switching which hand you write with, or which hand you brush your teeth with.
- Sports– physical exercise is necessary in activating your brain’s neurons, and shown to decrease risks of dementia!
- Learn– I know, I know… pretty obvious. But, you don’t need to hit the textbooks to learn something new each day. Something as easy as trying a new hobby, picking up an instrument or activity unfamiliar to you, or reading about a new culture will improve your brain’s health.
- Music– studies suggest that listening to classical music boosts cognitive levels and mental focus. Kari the babysitter in The Incredibles did tell us, after all, that “Mozart makes babies smart.”