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The Student News Site of Lake Forest High School

The Forest Scout

The Student News Site of Lake Forest High School

The Forest Scout

The Student News Site of Lake Forest High School

The Forest Scout

Casey Murray

Casey Murray, News/Opinion Editor

Casey Murray is a senior at Lake Forest High School, where he participates in many endeavors, such as Model UN and Latin Club. He enjoys meteor showers, the Lord of the Rings, drinking water, and agitating for student self-government. This year he is thrilled to edit the In LFHS and In Our Opinion sections of the Scout.

All content by Casey Murray
Love It or Leave It

Love It or Leave It

Casey Murray, Opinion Editor
May 12, 2020
The Supreme Court's decision in RNC v. DNC taints the fine principle of judicial restraint with the base alloy of hypocrisy and reduces the Court to a partisan weapon.

The Base Alloy of Hypocrisy

Casey Murray, Opinion Editor
April 16, 2020

Nobody Wins

Casey Murray, Opinion Editor
February 28, 2020
Congress is the beating heart of our democracy. It needs to get its act together.

The Iran Resolution: A Good First Step

Casey Murray, Opinion Editor
February 27, 2020
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) and his wife, Jane, address the crowd in a jam-packed office in Newton, Iowa. The rally was centered on turnout.

In a Nutshell: Bernie Sanders

Casey Murray, News Editor
February 3, 2020
Entrepreneur Andrew Yang addresses the crowd at a rally in Des Moines Saturday night. He was energetic, knowledgeable, and confident in his ability to win the Democratic nomination and the general election by making America think harder.

In a Nutshell: Andrew Yang

Casey Murray, News Editor
February 2, 2020
Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg addresses a rally in Dubuque, Iowa. The crowd was energized but mostly on the older side.

In a Nutshell: Pete Buttigieg

Casey Murray, News Editor
February 2, 2020
The work of renowned cartoonist Gary Larson was cited as an inspiration by the quartet of filmmakers hired to write and direct the upcoming political melodrama The Dark Side. Another source was Shakespeare’s [redacted at the request of the LFHS Theatre Program], also known as “The Scottish Play.”

Disney Acquires US Government, Inc

Casey Murray, Opinion Editor
January 6, 2020
The passage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights represents a triumph of democratic internationalism. The United States and her allies can indeed guide the nations of the world toward a better tomorrow — if only they would try.

Let It Shine

Casey Murray, Opinion Editor
December 9, 2019
The prosecution (from left to right: senior Allie Wicks, sophomore Ava Graf, and senior Evan Jasica) presents their case to the judges as the defense attorneys — freshmen Connor Boyle and Bernadette Petty — look on.

The Case of Mock Trial

Casey Murray, News Editor
October 10, 2019
Greta Thunberg — climate activist, transatlantic voyager, teenager — protesting outside the Swedish parliament building in August 2018.

She Speaks for All of Us

Casey Murray, Opinion Editor
September 27, 2019
An Open Letter to Freshmen

An Open Letter to Freshmen

Casey Murray, Opinion Editor
September 6, 2019
Student Council Elections — Results

[Photo] Results

May 15, 2019
Forest Scout Taco Review

Forest Scout Taco Review

Casey Murray, News Editor
May 1, 2019
Basketball, other sports, and athletics in general are key parts of a high school education. But should they be required for all eight semesters?

Abolish the Gym Requirement

Casey Murray, News Editor
April 25, 2019
The Digest: Week of Dec. 10-14

The Digest: Week of Dec. 10-14

Casey Murray, News Editor
December 14, 2018
The Digest: Week of Dec. 3-7

The Digest: Week of Dec. 3-7

Casey Murray, News Editor
December 7, 2018
Calm Down, America

Calm Down, America

Casey Murray, News Editor
December 6, 2018
The Digest: Week of November 5-9

The Digest: Week of November 5-9

Casey Murray, News Editor
November 9, 2018
Vote or Die

Vote or Die

Casey Murray
September 11, 2018
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