Every year the exclusive organization, National Honors Society, invites a number of academically high performing juniors to join their group. These juniors have kept a GPA of 4.5 or above for their entire high school experience.
Just recently, these students received an email that formally invites them into the society. However, there are certain requirements that need to be completed prior to the submission of the application.
One of the requirements is having a minimum of 30 service hours. Now that the application due date is coming up on March 15th, those who have not completed their hours need to get them done soon.
Here are some local places that I suggest if you need to gain service hours before the deadline, not only because they provide help to those in need, but you can have fun while doing so.
Bernie’s Book Bank
Bernie’s Book Bank, in Lake Bluff, provides children with books who have limited access to these resources. Through this distribution of books, children gain inspiration, knowledge, and opportunities. Volunteering consists of sorting and packing books so that they can be sent out to children in need. If interested, go to the Bernie’s Book Bank website where they have various dates and times for anyone to sign up.

Lake Forest Open Lands
Lake Forest Open Lands focuses on conserving the natural ecosystems in the area to ensure future generations can have a lasting connection with nature. Since 1967, they have maintained and rehabilitated over 900 acres of a variety of landscapes. They offer opportunities year-round for people of all ages to get their hands dirty and help save the land around us. Volunteers could be asked to do a wide variety of things, whether that be to create habitats for animals, or clear out spaces for new plants to be grown. To help out, visit the Lake Forest Open Lands website, and choose from one of their many opportunities to get involved.

Fill a Heart 4 Kids
Fill a Heart 4 Kids, in Lake Forest, is an organization that has worked relentlessly since 2007 to help homeless and foster children. The support given to these at-risk children has the potential to encourage a more positive future. When volunteering, you will be asked to create packages of goods and necessities, send notes to, or help celebrate these kids. To volunteer, take a look at the FAH4K website and discover their numerous opportunities.

Orphans of the Storm
Orphans of the Storm is an animal shelter that has two locations nearby, one in Deerfield and one in Northbrook. They work to provide neglected cats and dogs with a loving place to stay, endearment, and medical attention, until they are able to find someone who will adopt them. Volunteering here has the potential to help one of their many animals find a forever home. To sign up, visit the Orphans of the Storm website where they have many dates and times to choose from.

Feed My Starving Children
Feed My Starving Children, in Libertyville, works hard to feed starving children all around the world. Volunteers will be asked to pack various healthy foods which can then be sent to people in need. Feed My Starving Children is a great and easy way to help make a difference to fight world hunger. To volunteer, visit the FMSC website and sign up!

Beacon Place
Beacon Place, in Waukegan, is a community center that focuses on the development of children and families in the area. With the help provided to them by volunteers and staff members these individuals are supported to find a path to ensure a brighter future. To get involved, visit the Beacon Place website where they have many volunteer opportunities for several different dates and times.