After a successful season last year, the Boys Varsity Baseball team is returning with high hopes for this year. Their season came to an end last year after making it to the sectional finals, with a disappointing 10-0 loss against Grayslake Central.
“Last year’s season was a roller coaster of emotions. We won some amazingly close games and celebrated a regional championship,” said first year Head Coach Mike Nilles. “In the wake of Zach’s accident, the community rallied around us during our playoff run. It was a season I will never forget.”

According to Nilles, the Scouts’ main goal this year is to still be playing baseball in June. He says, “If you’re playing in June, then you’re doing something right.”
After the loss of some significant players, the team looks to find new players to fill in these big roles.
“The team this year has lost some important players, but I saw a lot of positive things during our off-season open gyms,” said Nilles. “We are looking to fill a couple positions in the field and on the mound.”
The Scouts finished 21-16 last season (6-8 in North Suburban Conference). The team was very well-balanced roster-wise, led by senior Outfielder Gianni Royer, third baseman Shep Graf, and starting pitcher Sam Larson. All three seniors are currently playing collegiate ball, with Royer at Holy Cross, Graf at Southeastern, and Larson at Denison.
With their first game right around the corner, the Scouts will have a chance to show off their new team, and see if the chemistry will work right this year. “It seems like everyone gets along and is planning on working hard and having a lot of fun this spring together,” says Nilles.
The Scouts kick off their season playing Saint Viator at home Tuesday, March 12th. With a new team and a new season, the Scouts look to make a deep playoff run, playing every game for #3.