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Friday Five

Each week we highlight five people who are doing their part to make LFHS a better place
Friday Five

Leyton Rice

Freshman Leyton Rice is on track to make a lasting impact on LFHS as well as on the Lake Forest-Lake Bluff community. Students know her as a loyal friend, hardworking student, and supportive teammate.

Leyton plays competitive soccer year round but found time in her schedule to play volleyball this fall.

“Leyton was super encouraging and fun to have on the team,” sophomore Sophie Bentley said. 

Rice’s presence on the court was also valued by her coaches. 

“Leyton always gives 100% on the court! She was always supportive of her teammates and had a smile that could light up a room. Her energy was highly valued on our team,” freshman volleyball coach Michelle Lawrenz said. 

Not many freshmen are able to say they have made an influence in others lives the way Leyton Rice can. Outside of school, Rice volunteers at Fill a Heart 4 Kids, which is an organization that provides homeless and foster children with the necessities to build a brighter future. 

“Leyton has been involved with Fill a Heart 4 Kids for years and recently joined the junior board,” junior Ryan Rice said. “She is a very hard worker and is always dedicated to help out in whatever is needed when we are at Fill a Heart. She has a sensitive heart and cares a lot about making a difference in people’s lives.”

While balancing school, sports, and volunteer work, Rice manages to save enough energy and patience to be a great sister. 

“Leyton is the best little sister I could ask for! She is very self-motivated and doesn’t need other people telling her what to do, which I think is very impressive for her age,” Rice said. 

Ryan also makes note of Leyton’s ability to keep their room clean. 

“We have shared a room our entire lives, and if it weren’t for her our room would always be messy and out of order. “

With all this being said, it is not hard to believe that Leyton is also an amazing friend.

“Leyton and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. She is always positive and upbeat, making me laugh and have fun all the time,” freshman Hallie Bodine said. “She puts others before herself and is always willing to be helpful.”

Fleury Robbins

It takes a cool person to be in multiple acts in Talent Show as a sophomore. It also takes a cool person to bike to school, in rain or snow. Sophomore Fleury Robbins drums up some positive energy at LFHS.

Taylor Ross

“In Talent Show last year, Fleury was one of our saving graces. She came in, jumped in any group or band that needed drums, and worked with those bands,” Talent Show Coordinator Mr. Corey Holmer said.

As a drummer, Fleury brings the rhythm to music and to life.  “She’s a leader among her peers and is a true musician,” senior drum major Meghan Pierce said. 

With the confidence and knowledge she has, Fleury is destined to have a successful high school career. Alongside band, she is also involved in tech crew, taking the lead this year for sound in the frosh/soph show. “She jumped into the deep end for sound,” said Holmer, “Now I know that going forward I have a strong sound person.”“Fleury is amazing because of her hard work and willingness to work with others towards a common goal,” Pierce said.

Fleury, in one word, is cool. Cool style, cool personality, and some pretty cool drumming skills.


Maggie Gilleran

Junior Maggie Gilleran is widely known for her charismatic personality. Along with being an extremely kind person who can make friends with anyone, she is also an extremely dedicated and hardworking athlete who has played three sports every year of high school so far. Gilleran plays Varsity Volleyball in the fall and JV Gymnastics in the winter. She has played soccer in the spring the past two years but is switching to lacrosse this year. 

Senior Danielle Moore who has been on the JV Gymnastics team with Gilleran for two years says that Gilleran is the type of friend you can “easily click with” and her energetic personality “drives everyone near her.”

Maggie Gilleran

“You can tell Maggie really cares about others and wants to make them happy. She has an amazing work ethic. During practice she can easily mix having a good time and getting stuff done, if she messes up, she shakes it off and continues to cheer for her time then works on it later. This inspires me because whenever I mess up, I just think of Maggie’s work ethic,” Moore said.

Moore also made it a point that a large reason Maggie is such a likable person is her sense of humor.

“Out of all her great qualities my favorite would have to be her sense of humor. I don’t think anyone has made me laugh harder than Maggie has. She knows not to take life too seriously and how to crack up a room full of people. Maggie’s humor is one of the big reasons Maggie isn’t just loved by me, but by people in all different grades,” Moore said.

Biology teacher and Varsity Volleyball Coach Ms. Leah Pranke said that anytime she is around Gilleran  she knows that “they are going to have a fun time,” and “we are going to laugh.”

Pranke also had the pleasure of coaching Gilleran her sophomore year on JV and her junior year on Varsity, and Pranke had nothing but good things to say. 

“Maggie is a multi-sport athlete who is naturally gifted. She works so hard in practice, and is constantly pushing herself to be the best that she can be,” said Pranke.

Sophomore Alissa Eglite was also on Gilleran’s team and said her favorite memory with Maggie is all their bus rides to games, which they would spend laughing the whole time.

“Maggie is the most positive and energetic person I know. She is such a good friend and is always there when you need a good laugh or a hug, which also makes her so kind and caring,” Eglite said.

Junior Kylie Dugan, teammate, and longtime friend of Gilleran recalls one of her favorite memories with Gilleran is working at Winter Club over the summer, and said “Working with one of your best friends is a great privilege, especially when that friend is Maggie”

Dugan also said that though Gilleran is a goofball she is still a very driven person when it comes to her academics, and putting in the hard work on the field.

Ellery Newman

Senior Ellery Newman has been a vital part of the LFHS Varsity Dance Team since her sophomore year, and her passion and love for the team has not gone unnoticed. Through many competition seasons and football seasons, Newman has stayed loyal to her roots and her passion for dancing.

Ellery Newman

As a senior on the dance team, Newman plays a big leadership role on the team. She sets an example for the younger dancers, encouraging them and supporting them through everything.

“She’s always looking out for her teammates and giving them advice,” said Newman’s teammate Rachel Silvers. “You can always count on Ellery for a smile or a laugh before practice.”

Some of Newman’s teammates have been dancing alongside her for many years and have had the opportunity to watch her grow into the talented dancer that she is today. 

“Her pom arms, her arm strength, and her jumps are all amazing and leave anyone who watches her in awe,” said Silvers, who has been dancing with Newman since they were 10.

While her dancing skills may be impressive, Newman is also the kind of person you want on your team.

“She is the kind of teammate to hold you accountable. When she talks, people listen because they know she means business,” teammate Alana Tennett said. “Ellery will always be someone you can relate to if you are having a good or bad practice because she’s been through it all.”  

Being a part of an extremely competitive team like the dance team can take a toll on one’s time management, but Newman has no trouble managing her time. 

“She is always on top of her work and is never behind in classes,” Tennett said. “She always knows what she’s doing and will help you with anything.” 

Newman’s love and commitment to dancing has not only made her a leader on the dance floor but also in the halls of LFHS, and her hard work has certainly paid off. 

Corey Holmer

It is rare to meet someone who is both incredibly skilled and efficient in their work while being the kindest person in the room, which is why LFHS is lucky to have many of those staff members. Mr. Corey Holmer is at the top of that list.

Corey Holmer

To put it simply, Mr. Holmer is “a renaissance man.” said Mrs. Laura Grigg, one of Mr. Holmer’s co-workers in the EdTech Department. And it is absolutely true. He is everywhere doing so many different jobs, all at once. You might recognize him as one of the Ed Tech’s on the second floor of the library, ready to help with any of your technology problems in a flash. But not many people know what else he works on throughout the school, including being the Head Talent Show Coordinator and also the Head Tech Crew Coordinator for the Freshman/Sophomore show.

“He does everything; every day I learn that there is more stuff that he does,” senior Taylor Ross said.

While Mr. Holmer is an incredibly helpful individual, he is also one of the most kind and selfless people in the world and everyone agrees.

“I’ve never had a bad interaction with Mr. Holmer. Anytime that I work with him, he’s always a positive influence, and that makes me enjoy coming to school and working in the theater community,” junior Declan Boyle said.

Mr. Holmer is one of those people who is an incredible leader who brings students together whether that’s becoming a family during talent show or an efficient tech crew for theater.

“Mr. Holmer is a very open teacher. He is very fun to work with, he is easy going but still stays on task. He loves to help with anything and he’s just really fun to work with,” junior Evan Spezzano said.

Everyone agrees that Mr. Holmer is an extremely one of a kind teacher.

“I think the school is lucky to have him,” Mr. Jimmy Juliano, Holmer’s EdTech co-worker said. 


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