Bringing back OG Fortnite to many may just seem like another update to a random video game. Maybe you don’t know about this new update or even know about the game Fortnite itself.
Fortnite is an animated multiplayer game, where 100 people are spread out over a map with the objective of collecting loot, in the form of weapons and materials, in order to be the last one standing.
For those who have played Fortnite before, either regularly or just because your friend asked you to play, this update means something. For those like me, who have been playing since season two, the OG Fortnite update brings back familiar maps and weapons.
But is this update really about bringing back the contents of Chapter 1 Fortnite? For the occasional player, maybe that’s all it is. Logging in and being able to use a pump shotgun again after four years has an unexpected feeling.
It also brought back countless memories that I honestly forgot I had. Coming home from school or practice with a genuine feeling of excitement to play with my friends, for potentially the last time, is something that didn’t seem realistic. Being able to relive a little bit of my childhood, even if it’s a small part, has been much needed.
Fortnite has so much more attached to it than just wins and losses. Since this was such a huge part of so many people’s childhoods, being able to play in the same environment brings back the feeling of being a child without a care in the world. I believe this to be something that every person needs now and then.
“It feels like I am 12 years old again. It brings back memories that my friends and I can laugh about all night,” said junior Hudson Scroggins.
This might be something for Epic Games, the producers of Fortnite, to look at when thinking about upcoming updates. Instead of adding a bunch of different types of weapons or easter eggs, just make it simple. Simple might be better.
JW • Jan 26, 2024 at 9:34 am
Well said!