End of year motivation tips


Tess Meulbroek, Staff Writer

Most students would agree that the second semester of the school year always has its challenges. With summer approaching, it can be hard to stay motivated. Unfortunately, it just so happens to be one of the busiest times of the school year, with finals and AP exams right around the corner. Here are a few things that can help power through the last few months of the year:

1. Don’t procrastinate

As easy as it sounds, procrastinating only makes things worse. The stress of late work piling up is never enjoyable, and can only make you less likely to want to do your assignments. Planning out when to get everything done is important for staying on top of your grades and ending the year as best as you can. Continuing to use a planner or keeping track of your tasks online like your notes app or on websites like Notion will ensure you stay organized and up to date on school work. 

2. Set goals for yourself

Setting manageable goals is a fun way to challenge yourself and feel accomplished. They can be as small as doing your math homework each night or as big as ending a class with an A, but having a clear goal in mind can make you more motivated to work hard and achieve it.

3. Create Countdowns

The end of the year always has fun things to look forward to, from minor things like a long weekend to bigger events like the last day of school. Putting countdowns on your calendar for exciting events such as prom, the Wellness Walk, and sporting events can make the time pass faster and keep you looking forward to fun things that come during this challenging time of year.

4. Make time for things you enjoy

Only focusing on school can make the stress, lack of motivation, and struggle amplify. Making sure you build in time for things that are fun again gives you things to look forward to and gives you breaks from the work involved with school. Whether it’s getting active, hanging out with friends or family, or watching a new show, fun activities give you more to do than just school.

5. Study with friends

Studying can be tedious, especially when it comes to AP exams. Getting a group of friends or peers together to study for these big tests can make studying more enjoyable and give you people to interact with instead of just doing it alone. You can make more of an activity out of something not so enjoyable by working at a coffee shop or library.

6. Make an end-of-year bucket list

Many people start looking forward to summer too early and miss out on spring activities. Making a small bucket list of things you want to do before summer, whether related to school or not, can help make you more productive with your time rather than feeling slumped and burnt out.

7. Take productive breaks

With the weather looking up during the last couple months of the year, getting outside for some fresh air is super important and helpful. Not only is it a good way to get some exercise in, but it’s also great for your mental health and can make the long, busy days more enjoyable.