Netflix show opinion: Kaleidoscope


Dennis Hickey, Staff Writer

Kaleidoscope is number seven in the US shows today and is a Netflix original series. Kaleidoscope doesn’t just stick out because of how popular it is becoming but also because it is the only show on Netflix with its unique format.

This show is about a revenge heist planned by a former inmate on his late friend. But the catch is that Netflix randomly selects the next episode you watch, so you learn the story differently from everyone else. It gives you a time before the episode starts so no matter if your first episode is 20 years before the heist or eight months after, you all get the same story in the end. 

The story for me started with the main character, Leo Pap, in prison, where he meets one inmate who later helps him on the heist. This episode showed the pure genius Leo is when he escapes prison easily and brings his friend with him. 

The next episode I watched was just days before the heist. I saw the whole crew but didn’t know their names or connection to Leo. This was the weirdest part for me because it felt like I had skipped so much of the story, but the story is made in such a way that it works. It was hard to stop watching. 

My episode after that was 20 years in the past so it showed where the main character came from and how he got to where he was. 

In each episode, you learn something new about the main character whether it’s his motive or something about his past life, the puzzle slowly starts to come together.

This is a genius way to produce a show because while each viewer learns the same story in the end, they just learn different things at different times. 

Not only is the story impressive and how it could fit in any order, but also, the story itself was interesting too. I think crime and heists are my favorite types of shows and this fits right in that category, watching the heist go down with the setups and the betrayals after the shows is why the story is ranked so high. 

So if you have time and enjoy crime and betrayals, watch the show Kaleidoscope and find out how the story will be told to you.