Teachers climb Mt. Scout


Izzy Kipp, Staff Writer

This semester is the first time Mr. Chris Landvick has taught the anxiety unit in his wall climbing classes. He has brainstormed and discussed the potential of the unit with colleagues prior to presenting it. 

The Wall Climbing unit that the students who are in wall climbing is about dealing with anxiety, specifically how to encourage those experiencing anxiety to work through it.  Students invited a teacher to come during the students’ wall climbing period to experience something fun together. The students had the opportunity to practice helping the teacher as a new climber. 

Prior to the day the teachers and students climbed, Mr. Landvick helped his students reflect on what helps them in their climbs. He has helped his students create a “toolbox” of strategies they can use when belaying a new climber.

“A new climber would want to hear about the belayer’s past experience. This can assure the climber that the person who is controlling their safety has gone through what they are about to do,” said Landvick.

Landvick instructed the students before the teachers arrived, “If your teacher is feeling anxious going on the wall, I highly recommend having them climb Wall 8. That way they can use all three sides on Wall 8.”  

Mr. DelFava climbing Wall 2 on Mt. Scout (Mike Mizwicki)

Cassidy Mann and Eli Zuerlein invited Mr. Schuessler to climb the wall of his choice. Schuessler said that the scariest part was the descent. He described that he had to let go of the wall and put his life in the hands of two students as they belayed him down from Mount Scout.

“While I could not make it up to the top of the wall, I climbed uncomfortably high. When I looked down, both Cassidy and Eli looked like tiny ants,” Schuesseler said.

Senior Isaac Poulton chose Mrs. Inukai to climb the wall of her choice on Mount Scout.

“I felt Isaac pushed me to keep trying in that he was giving me guidance on where I could keep going but ultimately respected my decision when I said I was done and wanted to come down,” Inukai said.

All the teachers who climbed Mt. Scout had an awesome experience climbing the wall. They were all impressed with how well the students climbed the walls with such speed and were able to ring the bell on the top. It was definitely a day to remember!