LFHS Band attends HP football game to support HPHS Band
September 9, 2022
For Mrs. Janine Kessler, who was at the July 4th shooting in Highland Park, the impacts of the shooting hit very close to home – both because she lives in Highland Park, and because of her position as LFHS band director.
“The Highland Park marching band had just marched past me when the shooting began,” Kessler said. “It was horrifying. We all realized it at the same time, and I saw them running. It’s just horrible what they went through. Imagine being in a performance and then all of a sudden being told by a teacher to run because someone is shooting.”
The LFHS band decided to support the Highland Park High School band by attending an HPHS football game last Saturday.
At the annual back-to-band meeting, “The band decided, ‘Hey, we’ll get the leadership team together and go support their band,’” Junior Drum Major Meghan Pierce said. “Mrs. Metz had created the t-shirt design that said ‘LFHS HP Stronger Together.’”
The LFHS band decided to wear those shirts to the HP football game.
“We thought, ‘Oh, that’s perfect. Why don’t we buy those shirts and support the fundraiser and also visibly show our support for Highland Park?’” Kessler said.
Nine band students attended the football game, passing out food and drinks to the HPHS band.
“We donated water and Rice Krispy treats and other snacks [for their after-halftime break] to show our support,” Pierce said. “We also sat with them throughout the game, watched their halftime show, just tried to show that we’re here for them. We wanted to show that our band family supports theirs.”
For Kessler, this show of support was very encouraging.

Senior Drum Major Will Boyle certainly wanted the LFHS band to show that they care.
“I felt that it was important to show our faces, and for Highland Park to know that we’re really going to act on the ‘HP-LF Stronger Together’ slogan,” Boyle said.
Supporting the Highland Park community was especially relevant because of Mrs. Kessler’s connection.
“Showing up to support not only the band, but also [Mrs. Kessler], and to show that we care about her community was really important,” Pierce said.
Showing up did not go unnoticed for the band.
“I received so many thanks both from students and parents who were just really touched that we took the time to go and support them,” Kessler said. “That’s really what it’s all about, saying, ‘Hey, we see what you’re going through, and you’re not alone.’”
The Highland Park band was also thankful for the LFHS band helping out at the football game.
“Seeing LFHS and HPHS Bands together was amazing,” Mrs. Melissa Kerpel, the HPHS Marching Band Coordinator, and mother of the HPHS drum major said. “The friendship, support and bonding we observed spoke volumes about all band members as well as their respective band directors.
“The HPHS Band appreciates the support from LFHS and we look forward to continuing the HPHS-LFHS friendship for years to come.”