Summer Programs Can Bring Career Opportunities


Vivi Hirschfield, Staff Writer

As juniors, we’re told this semester is imperative for our college process. What some don’t consider is how we can carry it on after the year ends, and summer break begins. 

When I started researching this past January, I thought having to do anything school-esque during the one long break we get sounded like a buzzkill. That was until I found out summer internships and programs can cater to almost any passion and look great on college applications. 

For example, I knew I wanted to pursue a program in journalism (or photojournalism) to better my skills and learn from professionals. I started with a simple google search, for the universities with the best education in journalism. Then, I looked to see if they provided any high school summer programs. 

This is a process that can work with any topic or potential major, including STEM fields and music. And it’s not just limited to college programs. Research labs and business firms across offer internships to rising seniors.

While an application process is often required, with the right educational background and drives for your subject, you can add an enriching and useful experience to your list of summer plans and start off next semester successfully.

A resource that helped me a lot was College Transitions, as it allowed me to refine my search process and help me secure applications to credible programs.

While such programs aren’t required by any means, they can help to set you apart from others in the college applicant pool and present you as a dedicated student.