Ranking the Top 5 SpiderMan Movies

With SpiderMan: No Way Home coming out soon, Staff Writer Ceff Diaz gives his take on the top 5 SpiderMan movies of all time.


Ceff Diaz, Staff Writer

5: SpiderMan: Far from home (2019)


SpiderMan: Far from Home, starring Tom Holland as Peter Parker, is the sequel to Spiderman: Homecoming. It’s a breezy, action-packed teen romance that shows just enough action and blends more of Peter Parker’s life and his romance with Mary Jane Watson and school life.

4: SpiderMan: Homecoming (2017)

SpiderMan: Homecoming delivers colorful and unique action scenes that shows Peter Parker becoming Spiderman and trying to cope with his new abilities. After a long awaited reboot, this film is worth watching, also showing more of Peter Parker’s life and friends.




3: SpiderMan: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

SpiderMan: Into the Spider-Verse has colorful and striking animations with a grabbing story that will make you want to watch it again. It’s a really well detailed movie and entertaining for everyone of all ages. It shows Miles Morales’s life before and after becoming SpiderMan, and it’s well worth the watch.

2: SpiderMan 2 (2004)

SpiderMan 2 is the sequel to Spiderman, starring Toby Maguire as Peter Parker. With a lot of attention to detail and having fans going crazy after the first Spiderman movie in the series, in 2002 many MCU fans were well satisfied with this movie. After receiving a 93% on rotten tomatoes, Spiderman 2 is one of my favorite SpiderMan movies out. With high quality action scenes and a great plot, SpiderMan 2 is a great film.

1: SpiderMan (2002)

Number one on this list is no surprise. SpiderMan, starring Toby Maguire, has so many iconic scenes, with its well directed scenes and showing of Peter Parker becoming Spiderman. From its incredibly detailed scenes to its action-packed fights, SpiderMan is one of my top favorite Marvel movies and is definitely worth watching.