Teachers’ Take: How Teachers Are Handling the Transition to In-Person Studies


Ashley Sobolewski, Staff writer

About a year ago the world faced an extensive change. Stores closed, schools shifted through a screen, faces ran hidden, the world went dark. A sickness rapidly spreads around the globe, making the world cautious about every muscle movement. With this, responsibilities shifted. All of a sudden we were taking classes through a computer screen, while battling inconveniences day by day. On the other side of that screen were teachers battling the same struggles while easing their students’ frustrations. Here are two teachers that take on what this crazy time looked like from the other side of the screen.

Mrs. Rambo

Mrs. Rambo

Mrs. Amy Rambo has taught at the high school for four years. She teaches Environmental Science and Materials Science. After four years of teaching, Mrs. Rambo had no idea what was coming her way. 

When Covid hit last March, Mrs. Rambo had a hard time meeting curriculum standards due to the lack of time. 

“I did not have nearly enough time to teach what I used to teach before elearning began,” she said. “I definitely covered a lot less than I did before.” 

During this time there was a lot of confusion on how to handle the situation, and many teachers had one tool in common. 

“While teaching online, Schoology was my primary outlet. I used Schoology because it’s helped me balance my workload for the students and myself,” Rambo said.  

After months of learning through a screen, we finally got the opportunity to come back to school grounds. 

“I noticed a lot of kids were overwhelmed when they got the opportunity to come back,” she said. [It] seems as though they were unable to keep up with the workload.” 

Though there were a lot of negatives Rambo still found some positives. 

“I got a lot of individual time with students with one-on-one meetings. And checking in often was helpful to get to know my class,” she said. “Creating surprising connections with students was a great aspect; a lot of kids had surprising things to share.”

Through this time the students of LFHS had a lot of unanswered questions, leaving many to look  up to the staff for advice. 

Rambo’s biggest tip for how to handle Covid times is to be vulnerable.

“Be honest. Teachers were in the boat too; everyone lost or suffered their sanity or social life,” Rambo said. “We understand how hard it was, therefore the best way to connect with people is to explain your situation and we, as teachers, will not hesitate to help.”

Mrs. Anderson

Mrs. Anderson

Mrs. Kristen Anderson has taught at LFHS for 18 years. She currently teaches Healthy Life and Advanced Health. Even after 18 years of teaching, she was not prepared for the challenges quarantine would present. 

Once pandemic restrictions were lifted, coming back on school grounds was a big change many students wanted to participate in.

“Students were definitely more eager to learn. Students feel more comfortable in the classroom so there was an increase in engagement and active participation.”

 Throughout the process many teachers used a similar source to keep all students on track. 

“I made sure everything was posted on Schoology for my students in terms of organization for myself and my class,” she said. 

Anderson found the light at the end of the tunnel, and found an aspect to appreciate. 

“Learning new technology tools that I continue to use and the daily attendance question that I created during remote learning,” she said. 

Through the tough times, teachers are huge motivators apart from all the chaos. 

“Take it day by day. Talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling. Use the resources we have at school.”

Coming back onto school grounds was a difficult adaptation that every individual struggled with, but through it all our teachers have remained strong. This is just two teachers’ amazing advice, but all of your teachers have something to say! So take their advice through this time, take it slow and reach out if you need help.