Advice from Upperclassmen

Maeve Bradley, Staff Writer

Students are settling back into the school environment after the return of full-in-person learning. It’s definitely an adjustment from last year, but nothing we can’t get used to again. 

Believe it or not, the senior class is the only grade to have experienced a complete normal year of high school. But, it’s fair to say that our juniors have a good understanding of how things work around here too. With that being said, the upperclassmen can offer valuable advice as they reflect on their time here at LFHS. 

Grades are a stressful topic considering that every year matters. While it is important to face challenges, do not push yourself over the edge. 

“Divide your time, and make sure you are participating in other school activities other than homework,” said senior Mimi Gordon. “My junior year I realized doing an hour of homework each night was enough if I used my time in school wisely.” 


Time management is a crucial skill to prioritize obligations, without feeling overwhelmed. It all begins with what kind of student you are in the classroom. 

“Sit in the front of the class and do your homework and that’s how you get a B or higher,” said senior Ben Winebrenner.

One step to being engaged is where you sit in the class. Whether that’s away from your friends, or near the front. Now, that may not seem very appealing, but it forces you to focus. At the end of the day, being able to comprehend the material is very beneficial. 

“Start off strong freshman year and build relationships with your teachers,” said junior Jack Griffin. 

Especially freshman year, being in a new school setting is intimidating. Having connections with your teachers can help ease your transition and make the class more enjoyable. Speaking of relationships, It’s also important to realize that there is a person for everyone at LFHS. 

“Just be friends with people who you click with, don’t try and mess around in groups you’re not comfortable in,” said junior Annie Scheidler. 

Our high school brings together a big community. Don’t ever feel threatened to branch out, and find the people that make you the best version of yourself. 

In just four years, every student will be moving on with their lives. Walking across the stage to receive your diploma might seem forever away, but I think any senior would agree that it happens so fast.

“Seriously appreciate every moment because time goes by in the blink of an eye,” said senior Bea Pierce. It’s cliche, but true. Take advantage of what LFHS has to offer while you can because it’s truly a blessing. 

“Go to every school event you can. It’s a great way to get involved in school and you never know with covid when we are or are not going to be able to go,” said senior Tricia Gray. “Dress for the themes of football and other games because it is so much fun and everyone loves to represent LFHS.” 

The memories made here are some that you will cherish forever, so do your best to make them worth it.