Upcoming: ‘Scout Strong’ Event Debuts Tonight


Kailey Albus, Editor-in-Chief

“Whether remote or in-person, going to school during a pandemic has its own set of emotional challenges.”

This universal principle fuels the promise of ‘Scout Strong’, a new initiative headed by social worker Mrs. Maggie Harmsen.

‘Scout Strong’ aims to connect and assist students who are feeling increasingly isolated during COVID-19. Harmsen curated the curriculum with other members of the school’s community, hoping to cover a vast range of topics associated with success. 

“As a school, we identified three main areas of concern in response to these challenging circumstances: health and safety, teaching and learning, and social-emotional development,” Harmsen said. “This SEL portion is not just for students; it was created to support kids, their families, and the community.”

Harmsen, along with Mr. Frank Lesniak, Mrs. Laura Stetson, Mrs. Katie Secker, Mrs. Karen Lapinski, and Mr. Todd Nahigian, worked throughout the summer to orchestrate a plan on how to tackle these tough topics: a three-part Google Meets series dedicated to improving the overall well being of the LFHS family.

In addition to these sessions, Harmsen added that they are “sharing various new resources on the [school’s] website, hosting a virtual drop-in center every Wednesday, and promoting the new senior-led Freshmen Advisory program” – all in order to provide a hub for connection amongst the LFHS community.

“This year more so than ever, we must all work together,” Harmsen said. “We know this is a tough time and we want everyone to know that we are here to help support in any way possible.  

With Scout Strong, Harmsen and her team hope to create a space where students can learn to prioritize themselves; when flooded with extracurriculars, exams, and any other extenuating circumstances, students and their families need to understand that the community is here to support them.

Our goal is to make sure all families, staff, and students feel Scout Strong Together!” 

Tune in tonight, Wednesday, Sept 23, at 7pm for the first installment of ‘Scout Strong’ using the livestream link. Have a question for the team? You can submit it here anonymously.