E-learning: A Quote Story


Ava Manelis, Editor-in-chief

Recently, students have had to deal with a change in one of the biggest parts of their lives: school. With the COVID-19 on the forefront, LFHS has had to close for the time being, creating a need for e-learning, or essentially learning online. 

The majority of opinions are somewhat neutral to the issue, as I think most have pretty much accepted the fact that e-learning is necessary for the pandemic we are facing. I would also like to add that there are no hard feelings towards administration, who did the best they could with the situation and setting up online learning.

But, without further ado, some quotes capturing the emotions of LFHS students towards e-learning: 

“Give me school back. That’s all.” -senior Lindsay Adams

“E learning is not great.” -senior Vivian Popov

“It’s nice to go at your own pace and work on the subject you feel like doing. Also, it’s nice that you can take a break whenever you want.” -senior Ingrid Falls

“I don’t love the fact that I can’t talk to my teachers and get my questions answered as I go.” -senior Elvan Muratoglu

“It’s not very fun.” -senior Alex Huddleston

“It makes me want to cry. Take me back to school.” -senior Grace Hardy

“When I know my work isn’t being graded, it makes it much more enjoyable.” -senior Lexie Conley

“So much more work than I thought it would be. Honestly miss just going to school right now.” -junior Carley Walker

“It does give me something to do, although it reminds me of the fact that I’m sad we’re not in school.” -senior Julia Hender

“It’s boring, but only because you don’t have your friends and classmates next to you. It’s harder to understand the information. In short, give me back real school.” -senior Alyssa Marquis

“Teachers have been assigning much more than 25-30 minutes of work.” -junior Mary Considine

“It’s sometimes just busy work that I wouldn’t do on a normal day at school.” -Molly Petzer

“I miss school.” -senior Caroline Murphy

“My dog is really happy to have everyone around and has been getting long walks everyday, so at least someone is thriving.” -senior Grace Hardy

“It’s like doing homework all day in all honesty.” -senior Zach Rose

“I’m nocturnal so I get my e-learning done at around 3 a.m. It’s kind of fun.” -senior Sophia Divagno

“It’s rather annoying and I just want to go back to school.” -senior Allie Lotts

“It makes me miss going to school.” -freshman Pride Haggerty

“E-learning? More like E-LAME. Ok, I actually miss school please come back.” -senior Alex Slomba

“I do more work during e-learning than I did in class and with homework combined.” -senior Catherine Greub

Some love it, some hate it, but we all have to accept it at some point or another. Good luck with e-learning, everyone, and let’s enjoy this week of freedom the best that we can.