5 easy ways you can help the environment


Ava Manelis, Staff Writer

Everyone always talks about saving the environment, but many people just don’t know how. The issue of saving the planet is in the news a ton lately and may seem overwhelming, but in reality, there are simple ways you can change your actions that really make a difference.

Here are five of the most simple and easy changes that will little by little save the Earth.

  1. Bring your own lunch/water

Bottled water and disposable packaging are extremely wasteful, and landfills are overflowing with trash and water bottles. The splurge to buy a reusable water bottle or any type of reusable lunch packaging is worth it for the long-term positive effects it will cause.

  1. Use less water

It’s very easy to use less water in the bathroom, the place where one is most likely to waste the resource. Some easy things you can do are turn the water off when you’re brushing your teeth and shower with colder water and in only one or two songs. You can also buy energy efficient showerheads or other bathroom appliances.

  1. Reduce your dairy/meat intake

Animal and dairy products require huge amounts of land, food, energy, and water- and are responsible for more greenhouse gases than any other type of food production. Completely cutting meat and dairy out of your diet may be impossible, but try at first to go a day or two a week not eating meat or dairy.

  1. Change your driving habits

Vehicles are the biggest compromise to our beloved air, so small habit changes like carpooling, Uber pooling, walking, biking, or taking public transit more often than driving by yourself is very helpful in saving our planet.

  1. Reduce your paper use

Timber cut for paper ruins natural habitats and uses a ton of our precious water. Try to reduce the unnecessary things you print out like bank statements and homework assignments, and keep them online instead. Opt for the hand dryers in the bathroom rather than paper towels; those few extra seconds are worth the harsh impact paper production has on our planet.

Following these five simple tasks every day, or at least a few days a week, will be sure to reduce your environmental footprint and save the planet. Little actions make a big difference, and it all starts with you.