There has been a major shift in shopping in person due to online businesses taking over. Have you gone to the mall recently and noticed stores completely shut down? This is because of the increase in digitally purchasing merchandise. Companies are struggling to stay open because of less customers since people would rather stay home and take the shortcut by ordering online.
People are depending more on online shopping due to the influence of social media. Social media has a big impact on the younger generations and is creating a desire to buy lots of clothing online. This is coming from well known influencers promoting clothing brands while also getting paid to do so. Influencers create hauls showing what they bought and encouraging teens to buy the same products to, therefore, gain a profit .
The rise in technology for young adults makes it more desirable and accessible to buy things online. The thrill of opening up packages that are delivered right to your doorstep is a feeling shared amongst most teenagers.
Not only is it more intriguing for teens, it has also become a lot more convenient. Shopping has become well liked by the young population, but also stressful on adults who have to provide transportation to the shopping centers and wait around for them. It gives adults the benefit to see what their children are purchasing instead of giving them a card to potentially buy whatever they want. The mall can be very crowded and takes a lot of time out of the day, so using the internet to buy desired items becomes easier.
Thrifting is especially popular for teens, but is also thriving online through apps like DePop. These apps allow people to post their items and have others purchase their clothes second hand. Poshmark is also another app to sell clothes that allows people to buy unique items and negotiate on them.
The rise in this virtual shopping has prompted many to wonder: On the other hand:has online shopping taken the excitement of finding clothing in person and the whole shopping experience away? Although it is nice to stay away from big crowds and be in the comfort of your own home when picking out clothes it has removed the fun of shopping. Going to the mall with your friends or family has become a less and less popular activity.
When in personThese stores have less business, it forcesforcing them to shut down and move to selling online only. Some Companies that are going into bankruptcy or shutting down some locations include: Toys”R”Us, Party City, Kohl’s, and Macy’s. Party City has faced major competition and in 2023 filed for bankruptcy while being in debt by 1.7 billion. Companies like Walmart and Target are pushing other stores to close. Due to online shopping increasing, Macy’s is shutting down lots of it’s stores and focusing on switching their strategies to improve the company. A Macy’s store in Illinois is one of the 66 locations closing. Companies like Amazon are taking over stores because of how reliant people are on Amazon’s quickness and popularity. Stores have expressed issues with being short-staffed, so turning stores digital helps avoid that issue.
The shopping world is changing quickly and affecting businesses around us. It comes down to your own personal preference of going out and shopping, or through the internet. Social media has a huge influence on what we buy and the type of companies we choose to support, so it’s important to stay true to your beliefs and style.