- People chewing with their mouths open
While this one is targeted more towards a younger audience, it is still rather annoying. Imagine yourself getting some homework done in silence when all of a sudden the person next to you starts smacking their lips as they attempt to enjoy a piece of gum. Most people can agree with me when I say that not only does this sound annoying, but it’s quite disgusting too. This only gets worse when it’s with actual food because you can typically see the food in their mouth when they’re chewing.
- Driving behind bikers on the road
This is one that I come across way too often during the summer. Whenever I’m driving and I notice a group of bikers up ahead, I can’t help but notice the very nice and open bike path just 30 feet to the right. Occasionally, there isn’t a sidewalk, so in that case I am significantly calmer. Nevertheless, I still hate driving way below the speed limit which is why this is a pet peeve for me, no matter the circumstance.
- Slow drivers
Picture yourself driving to work when a car suddenly appears in front of you and decides they want to play it safe and drives under the speed limit. There is no worse feeling than being stuck behind someone who refuses to even go near the speed limit. I would almost consider this pet peeve a form of torture due to the likely chance that you’re not able to pass the driver because it’s a one-lane road. The only way this one could get worse is if the slow driver had to speed through the intersection when turning in front of you just for them to go below the speed limit.
- People standing in the middle of the hall
Imagine you’re on your way to class when you turn a corner and see that the Great Wall of China, as far as people go, has formed in the middle of the hall. It is almost impossible to get through this as the people who are blocking the hall don’t realize that they’re blocking the hall. No matter what, you’re forced to either have the awkward interaction of telling the people to move, or deciding to take a detour to your class and completely avoid the group.
- Slow walkers in the hall
Almost everyone has experienced a group of slow walkers in the hall during their years at school. This is another one I encounter often, which makes it quite annoying. If the slow walker is walking by them-self though, then it’s not that bad because you can usually pass them. But if there is a group of slow walkers in the hallway, then this has just become, what I consider, another form of torture. If the slow walkers are in a group, then all I can say is good luck passing them. If this is the case, all you can do is either hope that your destination is close, or pray that the group turns soon.
- People saying “no offense” before saying something offensive
I understand why people say this, and occasionally catch myself saying this too. In no way though have I ever felt better after receiving an offensive comment because the person had started off the conversation with “no offense”. This one is almost like a slap in the face because you know that you’re about to be criticized as soon as someone says “no offense”.
- People clicking their pen or tapping their foot
This one is very similar to the people chewing with their mouths open. While this act isn’t disgusting, the noise can still be rather annoying. I will be completely honest and say that I occasionally do both of these things out of habit. While this is true, that doesn’t stop me from thinking that both of these acts are annoying. This one mainly applies when the room is silent and all you can hear is the sound of a clicking pen or a tapping foot.
- People being late to events
This is another one that happens way too often, which is partially why this is a big pet peeve of mine. The best example I can think of for this is when someone texts, “Come over at 7,” and people read that text as if it said, “Come over at 8.” The main reason this one bugs me is because I grew up thinking that I should always strive to show up early to events. So when I show up early and everyone else is late, I’m just sitting there waiting for everyone to show up. Some people are genuinely busy which is why they show up late; a reasonable exception. Others, however, act like showing up on time is a challenging task when in reality they’re just lazy.
- People not replying to a text message
Out of every messaging app, this one almost completely applies to Snapchat. The amount of people who abuse the half-swiping method is almost criminal. It’s amazing how many people would prefer not to respond to a text, especially when the text that they read is directed towards them. This is similar to the last one where some people act like responding to a text is their hardest task of the week, when it quite literally takes 15 seconds out of their day. People replying to text messages is what makes a conversation productive, so when someone doesn’t reply, then the conversation completely falls apart.
- People canceling plans at the last minute
Many people enjoy hanging out with their friends, which is typically why no one likes when a friend cancels their plans, especially at the last minute. It is very nice to know what plans you have in advance so you’re not scrambling to find something to do. But all that effort goes out the window when your friends cancel at the last minute. This doesn’t apply to the people who have a legitimate reason for canceling, but the people that don’t have a good reason are the ones that fit in this category.