School spirit is the backbone to a fun, enjoyable, and exciting high school experience. It gathers students to participate in interactive activities so people can bond and create memories that will last a lifetime.
I believe that putting more effort in halftime shows at sporting events would make a more engageable audience and will increase the amount of fans at games. I also believe that it would make it a better experience for everyone at the game as it creates a more positive atmosphere.
Most people attend games to either watch the game or participate in the social aspect. Creating a halftime show could increase both those things. The audience will be more energetic, which could lead to better athlete performance and degrade the emotions of the opposing team.
For players, it is greatly appreciated when their community comes together to support their team. Acquiring this would help benefit the team’s success because of the momentum they would build off of each other and the fans.
Making a fun halftime show could get the audience involved and off their feet to get excited for the rest of the game. This would feed them energy to cheer louder and support the team.
Interactive activities such as half court shots and competitions for the chance to win prizes have the ability to share laughs between the fans, as well as incentivize those looking to participate.
If you take a look at what professional sporting events do to engage their audience, they engage their audiences through performances and fan-interaction, causing people to come back for future games. Implementing similar events would be a great way to draw in more fans, and give them something to look forward to.
Something that our high school students could do is vote for what they want to see at a halftime show. This would allow them to have a voice in the halftime event, ultimately resulting in a more enjoyable experience. These competitions in front of a large audience would also help the crowd get active for the actual game. This could create the opportunity to not just add school spirit, but to raise money to support the given team.
This could also lead towards supporting charities with money from raffle tickets that fans could buy. Offering prizes and donating to charitable causes would be a great way to support organizations as well as build fan engagement.
If a community came together to form a positive environment for high school students and fans, this would hold a very positive impact on sporting events. Devoting time to come up with great ideas for halftime shows could help bring more enjoyment to Scout athletics.