Why do we wear pink in October? It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time when people worldwide come together to honor those impacted by this disease. Currently, over 4 million people have been affected, and 670,000 people have unfortunately lost their lives from breast cancer.
The National Breast Cancer Foundation has adopted a pink loop-shaped ribbon as a symbol of this cause. The ribbon has become the national symbol of breast cancer, and is used to spread awareness and support the women affected by the cause. By wearing the small pink ribbon, you are showing your support and hope for a cure.

Every year, CROYA hosts a “pink” themed event where LFHS students gather to make care packages, tie blankets, and write cards for patients at the cancer center at Lake Forest Hospital. CROYA also sells T-shirts for $10, with proceeds going to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and the Pinky Swear Foundation.
“Our former Chairwomen, Lulu Flavin, wanted to start a meaningful event to bring awareness to breast cancer and cancer in general after losing her mom to the horrible disease,” CROYA staff member Catherine Lawniczak said. “She saw first hand how tough going through chemotherapy and radiation was and wanted to start a service project that would provide a little comfort to those in need.”
“Something new we did this year was we made the option for people to donate to CROYA for the event,” PR Chair of the Executive Board Evelyn Marshall said. “We used the donations to put together bags and make blankets to deliver to patients with breast cancer.”

LFHS also raises awareness for breast cancer in the month of October, with various sports and clubs wearing pink in support of the cause. On Friday, October 18th, seniors of Football, Dance, Cheer, and Band were recognized for Senior Night. While honoring these seniors, the theme of the football game was “Pink Out,” and paid respect to those affected by breast cancer.
“Pink Out has always been my favorite game each year,” Varsity Dancer Lyla Carney said. “It was always a game I looked forward to because the stands would be filled with pink, and knowing the cause behind it truly unites our community.”
Everyone can play a role in raising awareness for breast cancer, not just in October but throughout the year. Consider donating to organizations such as the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation, and many more. If donating is not your preferred method of support, just wearing pink in October will make a huge difference in our community.