While scrolling through your TikTok feed, have you ever come across a political post? If you “liked” it, did you notice how your “For You” page is suddenly filled with similar videos? Usually with a similar political message?
We all know and love TikTok. It’s a platform where millions of teenagers spend their time watching and posting short video clips. But it’s time to ask whether the the political content is harming rather than informing our generation.
Users of the app have likely seen TikToks that resonate with their political views, thanks to the TikTok algorithm. This system generates videos based on what users watch and engage with, making the app highly addictive. A person’s “For You” page is generated specifically to their interests, influenced by the types of videos they watch, like, and comment on.
This can be concerning for teenagers because the app has the potential to significantly alter teenagers’ political views, often pushing them toward a more extreme left or right stance without exposing them to diverse perspectives, leading them to misinformation, according to former Wisconsin Representative, Mike Gallagher, who pushed for a national TikTok ban.

Many teenagers are turning to TikTok to stay informed on the country’s issues. Through the short video clips, many adolescents are using the app as their primary news source. According to Pew Research, 45% of people aged 18-29 and 44% of people with a high school education or younger rely on TikTok for their news.
This is a problem. Because TikTok is designed for quick entertainment, not all content on the platform is accurate. Many videos are made to appeal to certain demographics or political parties, often facts and dismissing opposing viewpoints.
When I engage with political content, my TikTok feed becomes filled with similar content. Republican videos often portray the Democratic party negatively, and vice versa. When teenagers are exposed to only one political perspective, they can develop a bias and become less receptive to opposing viewpoints. It’s crucial for teenagers to seek news from credible sources instead of relying solely on TikTok or other social media platforms.
The addictive app is “the most powerful political weapon of the 21st century,” according to Harvard Political Review, as it will continue to change how political information is shared and how adolescents develop their political views.
The TikTok algorithm contributes to increasing polarization, as users from both sides frequently share videos that deepen the divide between parties. For instance, in 2020, Democratic supporters promoted purchasing tickets for a Trump campaign in Tulsa, Oklahoma only to skip the event entirely.

Through the power of TikTok, political discourse is further separating the two political parties, which is not ideal for our generation.
As many seniors prepare to vote this year, it is important for our generation to be well-informed about the candidates and to mindfully consider the issues at stake. Our generation should be careful of being easily swayed by short video clips, that often over simplify complex issues our country is facing.
Although the app can have up to 10-minute video clips, shorter videos are more likely to gain more engagement as they deal with outrageous and uncomplicated claims.
According to a study conducted for The Forest Scout story “What’s At Stake,” about 39% of seniors at LFHS feel “very informed” about the election and political issues, 49.6% feel “fairly informed,” and 11.5% don’t feel informed at all. With these results, and with the election approaching, it is essential that voters seek reliable information to make informed choices that will impact the future of our country.
Voting for a candidate that is seemingly the best one due to political discourse posted on TikTok is not ideal and ultimately harms the country rather than helping it.
Emma • Nov 20, 2024 at 7:48 pm
This is so fun, I’ve never heard of this school, but I think I might quote this in my essay. Great article! 🙂