Senior Kat Yakes is the current student body president of LFHS and is making her mark. She is an inspiration to many and shares her current experiences as president.
What made you want to join the student council?
“I was involved in student council in middle school. Coming into my freshman year, a lot of my friends weren’t interested in joining but I wanted to branch out and meet new people.”
Do you feel like a role model for underclassmen?
“Since I was the Link Crew commissioner, I was one of the first rounds of people that got to introduce the freshman to the high school. With this being said, as student body president, I feel like I need to uphold the standards I set on the students’ first day.”

What encouraged you to run for student body president?
“As cliche as it sounds, I’ve wanted to be student body president since freshman year. Seeing how the previous presidents not only led the student council, but led the school itself, gave me the push to become president.”
What are some of the biggest challenges of being president so far?
“Trying to make everyone happy. There are a lot of different opinions and desires from all the students at LFHS – which is great – but in order to accomplish them, we need to take one step at a time.”
What are some of the best parts about being president?
“I love the leadership role that comes along with being president. I feel like I can really make my own small changes like Special Guest Fridays in the morning announcements.”
Do you believe that you have kept all of your promises as president so far?
“No. As a junior, I promised certain things that I now see as big reaches. I am constantly working with the administration to try and figure out ways to make this possible but, as I said before, it’s a long process that requires one step at a time.”
Are there any new changes you intend to make that weren’t thought of before you became president?
“Yes! We’ve created a new executive board to make a higher impact on the student body. We have chairmen and chairwomen that focus on logistics, outreach, special events and communications to further target certain issues throughout the school.”
Are there any perks about becoming president?
“I always knew that the student body and senior class presidents got to present at board of education meetings which I was excited about. But, this year my vice president, Simon back, and I will be the first student representatives, which we are thrilled about.”
What is an example of daily and weekly duties that you tend to do as president?
“Obviously the morning announcements, which is very fun. But, along with that, I have to lead all of the student council events and activities. It can be a lot, but the result is always worth it.”
Do you enjoy having a vice president to help you out?
“ Yes! Simon and I were friends prior to the election, making it super easy to collaborate on a day-to-day basis with him now.”
What are some words of advice you would give to presidential candidates for next year?
“The campaign will be a series of super tiring weeks but I would advise all the candidates to keep pushing through. The outcome, whether you win or lose, will be an amazing experience.”