What made you decide to join the Student Council?
“When I was looking for clubs to join as a freshman, student council seemed to be best for me because all the meetings take place in the mornings and I already made a commitment with dance after school. I joined student council along with a few of my friends to ensure I would be familiar with some of the people I would be collaborating with. Student Council is a great club to be in considering how active you get to be in what’s going on with the school.”
What does the weekly schedule as a member of the student council look like?
“The meetings are once a week, however occasionally we are assigned activities to do throughout the rest of the week, such as passing out gum to students on the first day of school and arranging events for the students.”
What projects are you most excited about working on this year?
“I’m most thrilled to participate in spirit week for homecoming this year. It is worthwhile to see the students come to school the week of homecoming dressed in participation in the event. Moreover, seeing students follow themes makes you think you did something right.”

What has been the most rewarding aspect of being on the student council so far?
“The most rewarding moment has been being elected to join the student council as a sophomore. I enjoy going to student council meetings and hope to continue until my senior year.”
How do you balance your responsibilities on student council with your other commitments, such as schoolwork and extracurriculars?
“I do dance in the evenings, so my only free time for clubs is in the mornings before school starts. Regardless, I manage my time to get schoolwork done at night so I can wake up earlier for our meetings.”
What skills are you hoping to develop during your time on the student council?
“I plan to participate in student council until senior year, in those four years I hope to develop my leadership skills. There are so many elements that fall under the category of leadership, like decision-making, problem solving and taking initiative to name a few. Along with leadership comes listening to the people I lead and taking feedback to improve upon.”

What have you learned about teamwork and collaboration through your work on the student council?
“Collaboration is a key quality for taking part in Student Council. If not everyone does their part, then it doesn’t work. Everyone must participate, it takes a team to get the best results. At the end of the day, we’re in this as a collective.”
What are some ways you’ve found effective for communicating your ideas to the student body?
“Social media posts do best to get students engaged and reach out. Otherwise, putting up posters around the school is another way to captivate students’ attention and effectively amplifies our school spirit.”
How do you stay motivated and engaged with your responsibilities on the student council?
“It’s all about serving the student body, and reflecting on how the effort I put in can impact the entire school. I use most of my free time at night to get tasks done. Nonetheless, it is completely normal to feel like you’re preoccupied by school sometimes.”
What have been some of the most memorable moments you’ve had so far on student council?
“Preparing for the big events at school, planning spirit weeks and organizing fundraisers and bake sales. It is exciting to see all the students talking about the events you’ve had a part in planning out. Last year we invited the freshman and sophomore class to the Lightscapes at the Chicago Botanical Garden, it was a very successful evening!”