The Girl’s Varsity Tennis Team is back in full swing as they look to build on last year’s success. At the end of the 2023 season, the Scouts were able to send three players downstate: singles player Isabelle Chong, and doubles teammates Nastia Belova and Angelina Slomba. With state appearances in both singles and doubles last year, the Scouts have high expectations to continue the success.
From last season, only one of three state-goers has returned: senior captain Belova. Although the number one doubles player hasn’t had a permanent teammate all season, Belova has played matches with senior Devin Parsons, junior Phoebe Silvers, and freshman Hannah Halabi. Head Coach Josh Rabjohns will show who is his go-to duo for the top spot now that the Scouts are entering qualification season.

“It’s been exciting to switch around partners because playing with different people always helps you practice different skills and parts of the game,” Belova said.
When Halabi isn’t playing doubles, she is often in the number one singles spot. Even though she is just a freshman, her impressive talent makes her a solid option to take on the opposing team’s best player. As far as the two spot goes, either Silvers or Parsons, whomever isn’t paired with Belova, is typically tasked with number two singles. With a solid core to establish the top spots in both doubles and singles, the Scouts have the tools needed to constantly compete.
Despite all the moving parts, constantly playing to win has been the key factor for the Scouts’ success. The benefit of a fluid lineup is any pairing or singles assignment has the flexibility to win a match. Some athletes may prefer routine, but this closely-bonded Scouts team doesn’t let small lineup changes affect their play.
“You always want to have a strong relationship with your partner so that you have a good dynamic and can trust and support each other,” said senior captain Stella Henretta. “No matter who coach has us play with, we still perform to the best of our abilities. It’s really special that everyone gets along so well because it helps our team win.”
Amongst the top singles and doubles players, the Scouts have a great mixture of young talent and returning players. With a roster of 18 people, the Scouts have 11 upperclassmen and 7 underclassmen. Although players are matched up based on their coach’s placement for that given match, every match is a contributor to the team’s result.
“Even though we play individual matches, we win or lose as a team. It’s all about our team result. We’re super supportive of one another, and it’s a great atmosphere to play in,” said senior captain Michaela Barry.
Despite the fluidity of the lineup so far this season, the Girls Varsity Tennis Team has won matches against tough opponents including Libertyville, as well as winning the York Quad; a tournament consisting of York, Carl-Sandberg, and Fenwick. The Scouts will play for Conference on Monday to begin their qualification for the State Tournament.