Located in the heart of Lake Forest Town Square is everyone’s favorite ice cream shop, Sweet’s.
But what is it that makes Sweet’s so sweet?
From the charming exterior, Sweet’s may seem like your typical ice cream shop. However, the true magic of Sweet’s unfolds when you step inside the store – beyond just the ice cream.
The shop has an inviting atmosphere that keeps you coming back. Every time you walk into Sweet’s, you are greeted by the friendly faces you have seen over the years. Maybe it’s the man behind the mustache-Alberto-who adds to the charm.
Sweet’s is a place where the stresses of life can go on pause.

“There’s something special about a place that brings everyone in the community together,” junior Lizzy Grace said. “It makes my day when I see the friendly faces of the Sweet’s workers, and the sense of familiarity is comforting because in every chapter of my life, Sweet’s has been there.”
Sweet’s serves as a reminder of the simple joys in life, like getting a scoop of ice cream with your best friends.
On warm summer evenings, Wednesday nights after CROYA, or during an awkward first date, laughter seems to fill the air at every occasion at Sweet’s.
Most people order ice cream from their wide variety of flavors but, fresh toffee, caramel and chocolates are made fresh almost every day.
“Cashew ladybugs and the pecans are my favorite,” Sweet’s worker Alberto said. “On Sunday’s I make caramels and peanut apples.”
Every scoop represents a sense of community and simple joys in life.