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The Student News Site of Lake Forest High School

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Hard Work Pays Off: GLAX Is State Bound

Image Courtesy of LF Girls’ Lacrosse

This 2024 season has been an exciting and busy one for the Girls’ Varsity Lacrosse team. Coached by Cat Catanzaro, the team has worked diligently to make it to State all spring – and the results have finally paid off. 

This past Tuesday, the Scouts faced Crystal Lake Central High School (CLC) in hopes of winning the Super-Sectional Championship. Junior Maeve Farrell said she felt nerves prior to the game. 

“In the days leading up to the game, I was very nervous. I was confident in the team and our abilities but after beating CLC in double overtime in the normal season, I knew we had to have a very good game in order to beat them again,” said Farrell.

 The first quarter was a dogfight against the rival team with back-to-back goals, tying the game at 2-2 with both goals from Farrell.

After a thunderstorm delay, the Scouts resumed play and pulled ahead with vengeance. With the help of sophomore goalie Dakota Acello’s numerous saves, the Scouts ended the game in a 9-6 victory, winning the Super-Sectional Champion title.

Sophomore Ellie Carter said she felt excitement when the buzzer rang, signaling the end of the game.

“I was absolutely thrilled and I can’t wait to compete at state. It’s such an incredible opportunity, and our team has been working non-stop through the high and lows as one. We are completely ready for this moment and I know we’re capable of achieving the best outcome,” says Carter.

The Scouts are scheduled to play Benet Academy this Friday at Hinsdale Central High School at 7pm., a game met with high hopes for redemption after a loss to them in overtime earlier this spring. Junior Megan Rocklein said she is thrilled for what is to come at State. 

“I am super excited for State and the opportunity to make it to the final. We have lost in the Semifinals the past two years, finishing third, but we are looking forward to another chance,” said Rocklein.

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About the Contributor
Stella Henretta
Stella Henretta, Staff Writer
 During the fall, junior Stella Henretta's committed to Varsity tennis, but switches gears to lacrosse during the spring. On weekends, Stella works as a coach at GLASA to help disabled athletes play tennis. She’s also a cashier at the Chicago Botanic Garden’s cafe, where she loves to take walks among the flowers after her shift. This school year, she hopes that through her cumulative experiences and knowledge, she will be successful in providing her readers with information about events happening both in and out of LFHS!
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