All students at LFHS are permitted to take a science class; whether it’s biology, chemistry, environmental sciences, physics, etc. However, not all students know the man in charge of the Science Department, and that man is Dr. Ryan Abrams. Students in his one chemistry class each year call him “Doc.”
Doc has been a teacher at LFHS for 20 years, and for seven of those years he has served as Instructional Director for the Science Department. Not only is he a teacher, but he is a father to three boys: Dylan, 14, Kyle, 11, and Tryston, 7.
He grew up in Schaumburg and attended various universities for his degrees. Abrams went to Carroll College for his undergraduate years, Georgia Tech and Roosevelt University for his Masters, and Concordia University for his doctorate.
During his years at graduate school for engineering, Abrams discovered that he wanted to be a teacher. Abrams said “connecting with students” and “hopefully helping them find their path in life” are things he enjoys about being a teacher.
“I believe that a teacher needs to care about people and connect with students. If a student knows their teacher cares about them, they will excel,” Abrams said.
Abrams’ success with teaching is reflected through his students, who often feel like they can come to him with anything – science related or not. Along with his ability to make students feel welcome in his classroom, his humorous personality makes class a fun, lighthearted atmosphere making students enjoy their time in class.
Junior McKenzy Hoopis said Doc not only makes class enjoyable due to his lighthearted teaching style, but also because of his ability to light up a room with his personality.
“Dr. Abrams was such a great teacher because he always was willing to answer any questions when we were confused or needed help! He also made class so fun by telling jokes but also making sure we always learned the material he was teaching,” Hoopis said.
Junior Helena FlorJancic mentioned that Dr. Abrams was one of her “favorite teachers last year.”
“There wasn’t a day where he didn’t have our class hysterically laughing. He always found ways for our class to learn while still having fun, which made chemistry a class I looked forward to everyday,” FlorJancic said.
Prior to assuming his role as Instructional Director for the Science Department, Abrams was an important part of the science teacher faculty. Through this experience, he built positive relationships and friendships with the fellow teachers according to Mrs. Lena Kopecky, a biology teacher at LFHS.
Kopecky says because of his experience in their department, teachers are able to express their opinions to make the department the best that it can be.
“Dr. Abrams is an exceptional leader of the science department. We are able to speak with him honestly and respectfully, and he encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and explore new ideas,” Kopecky said.
Dr. Abrams understands the importance of balancing school and family life because of his three children, said Kopecky.
“Having walked the halls of Lake Forest High School as a teacher, Dr. Abrams understands the needs of both the faculty and the students within the building. Additionally, he is a father to three wonderful sons, one of whom will be attending LFHS next year. This familial perspective enables him to appreciate the daily balance required among students, teachers, and parents. Under his leadership, the department is a welcoming and supportive environment,” Kopecky said.
Kurt Schuessler, a biology teacher at LFHS, said Docs’ attributions to the Science Department are a huge part of its success. Schuessler’s friendship with Abrams allows him to see more than just the teaching side of him.
“I have been friends with Dr. Abrams for over 15 years. Whether you are a student or a faculty member, Doc will go out of his way to ensure you get the help and support you need to succeed. Abrams is quick with a joke and has a great sense of humor. He uses humor to build relationships with the people around him and challenge them to be their best,” Schuessler said.
Schuessler said when Abrams initially began his role as the director of the department, many of the teachers were “worried” as he had big shoes to fill.
“Doc has proven to be invaluable. Dr. Abrams can quickly and efficiently solve problems using data and evidence while considering the best interests of students and teachers alike. I am thrilled to call him my boss but even more proud to call him my friend,” said Schuessler.

Abrams says hearing from students during their years after high school is what makes teaching enjoyable and worth it.
“Everytime a student reaches out later in life and tells me I had an impact on them. Those instances really help me keep going in teaching,” Abrams said.
When he is not busy serving as Head of the Science Department, Abrams enjoys working out, listening to podcasts, and relaxing in his hot tub.
One thing that students and staff will be surprised to learn about Doc is that when he was in high school he was the quarterback of his football team, but soon was moved to another position.
“The Varsity coach took one look at me and said I was too short to play the position (even though the tall guy stunk). I moved to defensive and offensive line and finished the year. I have never attended a varsity high school football game since that day. My son is trying football next year so maybe that streak will end,” Abrams said.
Through his many experiences in teaching at LFHS, Doc has proven to be an important part of the Science Department. Through his light-spirited personality and humorous teaching style, Doc is a person all students and teachers can relate to and connect with.