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An Unforgettable Piano Duo: Kashyap and Karnik Prasad

Photo Courtesy of Kashyap Prasad.
Photo Courtesy of Kashyap Prasad.

The intricate skill that is required to learn and perform an instrument is often overlooked. Not only is it extremely difficult and nerve-racking to perform in front of sizable audiences, but it takes years of practice and commitment to grow as a musician. 

Junior Kashyap Prasad has not failed to display his unwavering dedication and passion for performing the piano alongside his thirteen-year-old brother, Karnik. 

“There are typical challenges that musicians face every day, such as practicing consistently while balancing school and sports, memorization of the piece, which is a must when we compete, and working through the challenges of the technical aspects of playing,” said Prasad. 

Prasad began playing piano at the age of six, and Karnik at the age of three. They were inspired by their mother’s prominent background in Indian classical dance and their father’s in Indian classical music. Both brothers take piano lessons at the Music Institute of Chicago. They are grateful for their parents’ dedication to providing musical arts for the two of them. 

“It can take much work to stay inspired and motivated and find your way in music,” Prasad said. “However, we figured out a way to keep ourselves inspired.”

Photo Courtesy of Kashyap Prasad.

The duo began playing piano together during COVID-19 quarantine when they found themselves having newfound free time. The two of them enjoy playing together as it spices up their musical pieces and allows them more time to spend together.

“Piano is often a solo endeavor, so it’s awesome to have someone you can work with. It makes piano feel a lot more fun for sure, and it’s also nice to get a chance to hang out with my brother,” said Prasad. 

This past March, they performed at the LFHS TEDx event. Their performance was enjoyed by many, including some of Prasad’s classmates.

“Mrs. Cook played the livestream for our class,” said junior Huston O’Neil. “When they [the Prasad brothers] played Bohemian Rhapsody, our class began singing along. It was so cool.” 

The duo has not only come together to produce wonderful music, but have been able to share the joy to share it with their classmates.

“With our busy schedules, we don’t get to see each other as much, and playing piano together helps set aside time for us to spend time together making music,” said Karnik Prasad. 

Performing the piano also allows the two to reach the competitive edge that many musicians crave. This duo performed in various competitions, resulting in numerous awards for both young pianists. Karnik Prasad won the Steinway Young Artist Competition for the Illinois region at age ten, as well as the National American Protege competition this past year, allowing him to perform at Carnegie Hall, where he placed third. 

Prasad has won the Walgreen National Concerto Competition, the Illinois State Music Teachers Association, and the DePaul Concerto Competition within the last three years. Along with this, he is also the back-to-back LFHS Music Departmental Overall champion for the last two years. 

Not only are Kashyap and Karnik Prasad undoubtedly talented musicians, but their resolute passion for the piano shines when they perform. 

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