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Friday Five

This week we highlight five senior editors spent two years telling LFHS stories
Friday Five

Caroline Gerber

If you saw someone running up and down the track field screaming, you might be worried. Or, you just might be one of senior Caroline Gerber’s friends.

Senior Paige Gibbons remembers Caroline cheering on her friend, senior Ameena Alsikafi, when they were both on the track team. Caroline could always be counted on to get vocal when supporting her friends. 

“She’s such a good friend because she really cares,” Gibbons said.

Gerber’s support isn’t always from the sidelines. 

“One time, we were canoeing in Minnesota and it started raining really hard and it was freezing. It was not a good time, but then Caroline started singing, and we started having fun,” Alsikafi said. “She always makes a good time out of a bad situation.”

Alsikafi’s and Gerber’s bond extends back beyond treacherous rainstorms.

“I’ve known Caroline since I was two and she’s always been a very stable person in my life,” Alsikafi said. “She guides me through everything. She’s very logical, but she also understands emotion very well.”

Gerber’s loyalty isn’t only reserved for her closest friends. Gerber’s kindness can be found even with people she’s never met before.

“During track my freshman year, Caroline just went up to me and started talking to me,” junior Erhi Ogufere said. “She made me feel really welcome.”

This positivity extends through the whole school.

“She has great connections with people when you meet her and she has great connections with her teachers,” Alsikafi said. “I’ve watched her interview people she’s never met before and immediately form a connection with them.”

Gerber’s legendary friendship isn’t her only positive attribute. Her friends note her keen intelligence. Gibbons said Gerber is a “hidden genius.”

“Caroline is like a book of answers,” Gibbons said. “I can ask her anything and she knows the answer right away.” 

Gerber’s intelligence and people skills combined as she led the Forest Scout this past year as Editor-in-Chief. The publication is better for her leadership because she treats the staff with respect and kindness, and she always has a positive attitude. There’s no doubt about Gerber’s impact on LFHS. And that’s something to scream about.

“She’s amazing, really,” Ogufere said.

Emma Stadolnik

Senior Emma Stadolnik is known for being one of the Editors-in-Chief of the Forest Scout this year, but many don’t know how much work that entails. Each week Stadolnik spends hours editing stories, writing up the Friday email, publishing stories, and so much more. Not only does she devote all her time to the Forest Scout, but she promotes it too. 

“Emma always talks about the Forest Scout,” said senior Paige Gibbons. 

Plus, she writes her own stories. Stadolnik over the last two years  has won seven Best of SNO awards, which are given to the top stories published nationally. 

We may know her as the Chief but she also contributes her leadership qualities to other activities here at the high school. 

Stadolnik is a dedicated volleyball player and has been on the Girls Varsity Volleyball team since her sophomore year. This year she was one of the captains for the team. 

“She’s so well-rounded and tries hard at everything. She’s such a great captain and has great leadership qualities and connected us as a team,” said senior Lauren Eglite. 

Stadolnik is also one of the co-presidents of the GIVE Club. Just this past Christmas, GIVE had a toy drive and Stadolnik greatly contributed to this drive in order to give the toys to Ukrainian refugee kids. 

Along with the toy drive, Stadolnik also helped the GIVE Club with volunteering overall and with their goal to collect toiletries for Ukrainian refugees in the area. 

Not only is Stadolnik a prominent member of our community, but she is overall a great person to have by your side. 

“Emma is just a ray of sunshine. As soon as I talk to her, I’m immediately 10 times happier, and she’s secretly a genius,” said Gibbons. 

Despite her secret genius status, she is willing to help anyone at any given moment.  

She’s helped her friends with editing scholarship essays and homework assignments, but not just by giving the answers, by genuinely dropping anything she’s doing to explain the work. 

Stadolnik also was voted most-organized this year for a reason! She’s always on top of everything. 

Amani Yousuf

LFHS is home to an abundance of academic resources, which can help students succeed in their classes. Whether it’s the MRC for math or the SRC for science, or even senior Amani Yousuf.

Throughout her years here, Amani has participated in many sports and clubs, including the Muslim Student Association, which is sponsored by Mrs. Kyrias. 

In addition to MSA, Kyrias has worked closely with Amani in history classes and has grown to appreciate her hard working, bubbly personality. 

“I always remember Amani scribbling notes furiously and looking deep in thought. She is always 100% committed to what she does,” said Kyrias. 

Amani not only strives to succeed academically, but she is also incredibly social and works to create long lasting relationships with her peers.

Senior Katherine Malloy first met Amani in middle school, and the two have since grown closer through their common interest in academics. 

“She’s extremely passionate about learning as a whole, something that is clearly seen through the amount of time she dedicates to her studies,” said Malloy. 

With her abundance of knowledge and extraordinary ambition, Amani exemplifies the true meaning of passion and determination, and she is capable of helping any student succeed at LFHS. 

Now that her hard work has finally paid off, Amani plans to continue her academic career by studying both journalism and economics at Northwestern University. 


Bianca Storino 

As an editor-in-chief, dancer on the 2x state champion varsity dance team, and a dedicated member of many clubs around the school, Bianca Storino has cemented a strong and influential role this past year and continues to display her dedication to anything she sets her mind to. 

Storino’s life the past four years has been dedicated to plenty of areas of interest, but one major area that took up most of her time was being part of the Lake Forest Varsity Dance Team. Storino held her ground as a reliable and strong teammate the past 3 years while a part of the varsity dance team. Inside of the studio, she constantly is able to make her teammates smile and laugh. Her beautiful movement quality, and powerful jumps never fail to leave her teammates in awe of her undeniable talent. 

“Yanks has always been a hype man, she has such a fun personality and is always up to try new things no matter the challenge. She’s also a very technical dancer, she always knows how to correct herself, wanting to see progress and striving to get better,” said Junior Haddie Deegan. “Yanks’ personality in the studio is unmatched as she always knows how to make people smile. Being around her just enlightens your mood automatically, and she is such a hardworking person inside and outside of school.”

Now that the season has officially come to an end, Storino has had the opportunities and time to expand her interests, even by picking up new hobbies like learning the guitar.

If you know Storino, she is always willing to converse with anyone around her, ultimately becoming a great shoulder to lean on whenever anyone needs it. Her outgoing, empathetic, and friendly personality sets a great example for all her peers around her, letting them know she has the ability to uplift their mood instantly.

“Bianca is super outgoing and overall just a friendly person. In every class I’ve ever had with her she is always very engaged, enthusiastic, and interactive, with both the class and with her teachers/peers, creating a comfortable and fun environment to learn in for everybody,” said senior Oliver Silver. 

Her personality naturally connects with anyone she interacts with at school. This has ultimately helped her get involved with countless clubs and extracurriculars at LFHS, including: Student to Student, Student Council, and National Honors Society. 

On top of her commitment to all the clubs she partakes in, she also has a very rigorous schedule filled with AP and honors classes. Even with such a packed schedule, she balances all of her activities and extracurriculars exceptionally. 

It helps that she is so organized. Storino has a running schedule and to-do list for each day of the week. Ultimately setting herself up for success on due dates and even personal care, keeping an organized and clear schedule definitely helps her thrive. 

“Bianca has always been someone who I look up to for both her work ethic and her drive to do her best in school, practice, and any other extracurricular activities she participates in,” said junior Lyla Carney. “She stays accountable for her school work and is always maximizing her time during any free period she has. Bianca also knows how to balance the tasks on her to-do list, as well as make time for spending time with friends and family which is something I strive to be able to do.”

Her hardworking nature doesn’t only apply in the classroom, but also translates to how determined she is to stay on top of her health and fitness. Most days after school she goes directly to the gym to get her workout in. Storino is constantly pushing herself to get stronger and stronger showing how high of a standard she holds herself to.

The Forest Scout has been extremely lucky to have had Storino as an editor-in-chief this past year and is excited to continue to watch her thrive down at University of Notre Dame. 

Kelsey Bumbaco

Senior Kelsey Bumbaco often walks into school with a beaming smile on her face. It’s impossible not to know her or even hear her bubbly voice echoing through the halls. 

It’s hard to believe that Bumbaco has any free time with everything that she’s involved in. She is a member of numerous clubs, sports teams, editor of The Forest Scout, and on top of all that, senior class president. 

“I admire her commitment to everything she does. When she is passionate about something, she really gives it her all,” says senior Lauren Keller. 

Bumbaco has been an editor for The Forest Scout since the beginning of senior year, and she is a vital part of the program, and someone that everyone can count on. 

“Kelsey is the first person I send my writing pieces to,” says senior Andrew Marsch. “I trust that she’ll be honest with me, but I also know that she won’t judge my work, instead she’ll just push me to be the best writer I can be.” 

While Bumbaco helps other writers grow, she also pushes herself to improve in all areas of writing.

“It has been an absolute joy to watch Kelsey grow as a person and as an editor,” says The Forest Scout advisor Ray Del Fava, “She is going to leave a great void within TFS, and I will miss her.”

Bumbaco is also one of the most welcoming and kind people you will ever meet. Whether you know her through a sport, a class, or a club, Bumbaco will never fail to put a smile on your face. 

“I first met Kelsey through Lacrosse. She was my captain,” says junior Kat Yakes. “I was immediately comfortable and knew that we’d be great friends and that she’d always be someone I could lean on.” 

Even with her intense schedule, Bumbaco always makes time for her friends. She constantly puts others before herself and ensures that her friends can always count on her. 

“Kelsey is the most caring and kind person I know, and I’m so lucky to call her a friend,” says senior Jacque Wilson. “Her smile truly is contagious!” 

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