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The Forest Scout’s 2024 Person of the Year: Fritz Bielski


This story might make senior Fritz Bielski a bit uncomfortable. But we’re writing it anyway.

“Fritz doesn’t need the accolades, and he gets uncomfortable when people say what a great job he is doing because he is just so humble,” junior Student Council Sponsor Julie Crouch said. 

He might not like it but there is a lot to praise. Whether it be volunteering in underprivileged areas with his church, volunteering at Camp Hope- a summer camp for children who are disabled- acting as Student Body President, or competing as a member of the football team, Bieski truly “embodies many different kinds of students at Lake Forest High School.”

“He is super approachable and people feel comfortable engaging with him, and they know it will be without judgment. He will take people into consideration and actually help them. He has a pretty solid character, so it’s hard to put it all into a short blurb. He is just a really good kid,” Crouch said. 

Bielski’s character and commitment to giving back to his community are part of the reason he was chosen as this year’s Forest Scout Person of the Year. 

Bielski has been involved in the student council since his freshman year. 

“When I was a freshman, my sister, who was senior class president, told me to do it. She said that you really get to make a change,” Bieslski said.

During his Junior year, he served as junior class Vice President. 

“I finally got to the point where I learned that if you commit to things more, you get greater stuff out of them,” said Bieksi. 

This year, Bieslki, along with the rest of LFHS’ Student Council, organized “Rickey Miles Day” to celebrate Mr. Rickey Miles, a beloved support staff at LFHS. 

Image of the integrated wellness class on their annual trip to Chicago Photo Courtesy of Fritz Bielski

“I have known Mr. Miles since I was five years old, and when I would come here with my mom  [who is a teacher at LFHS], I would always see him. Mr. Miles isn’t the only support staff at our school, though. I think it is really important that we take the time to appreciate our support staff with events because you don’t thank them as much as your teachers you see in class every day,” said Bielski.

LFHS is now working to organize a Support Staff Breakfast to thank support staff at Lake Forest High School. 

Bieski has had an extremely significant impact on not only the people that Student Council helps, but rather, the people in Student Council.

“He has always encouraged me to join new clubs and experience new things, even when I was unsure. He is the reason that I became involved in Student Council in the first place, which has now become a huge part of my life,” Senior Class Vice President Caroline Kaiser said. “He always goes the extra mile to make his fellow classmates feel comfortable, and will never shy away from the chance to meet new people. Fritz is always honest, and is someone I turn to for advice on any topic.”

Bielski is also involved with Integrated Wellness at LFHS. Integrated Wellness is a wellness class at LFHS that involves students who are disabled. 

Fritz and Quinn, his friend from Camp Hope, right before Quinn got on stage for the talent show. Photo Courtesy of Fritz Bielski

“I remember when I wasn’t in the class, we played mat ball against the integrated wellness kids. The teacher warned us that these kids could totally school us, but we didn’t really listen. We got absolutely killed. It was 10-0. From then on, I realized it was just your regular wellness class and you don’t treat people differently even though they are a little different than you,” Bieski said.

Every year, the students host a basketball game called the ELS game. This year, over 50% of the  student body attended, and Bieski says he has “never seen a varsity basketball game that loud.”

“Three weeks before the game, we go around the community asking local businesses if they would like to donate to the raffle that happens during the game. This makes the game not just a school wide event, but also an event that the whole community is involved in,” Bielski said. “You get to let other people become the star of the show, who wouldn’t usually be in the spotlight.” 

When Bielski not in school, he spends his summers attending work trips with his church. They go to underprivileged areas to help families get back on their feet.

“One of my trips we were working with six kids who were living with their grandparents because their parents had gotten into drugs. They were all living in this two bedroom trailer. We essentially had to rebuild this trailer. We built them a living space and more space for the kids to sleep,” said Bieslki. 

This summer he will be attending his fourth work trip. 

“We typically come back to the same areas, and we always get to check on families we have helped in the past and that is such a fulfilling thing,” Bieski said. 

Bielski also attends Camp Hope, a camp where you are paired up with someone you “may have otherwise never met.” Camp Hope attendees spend the week doing typical summer camp activities. This past summer, Bielski was paired with Quinn, who has cerebral palsy. 

“For one week, it’s not about me, which is kind of hard to do, but once you start doing it, you can’t stop and you just want to see this person have the best time. Every second of every day they just get to have fun,”

— Bielski

At the beginning of his senior year, a week before Homecoming, which he helped set up, Bielski broke his ankle in a football game. 

Fritz playing football Photo taken by Joel Lerner

“I was just thinking to myself ‘this week is going to be terrible,’ and it kind of was, but I realized that once I doubled down and put the work in, it was one of the best Homecomings we have ever had,” Bieksi said. “It was really tough for me to set up in a boot and crutches, but I guess that is what I signed up for.”

Bieski is known to those on and off the field as a team player, and will always be there for his teammates, or anyone at LFHS.

“Football wise, his career obviously didn’t go the way he wanted, but he was at practice everyday. He just wanted to be with the guys. He truly cares about people, about his classmates, about his teachers, and his family. He is very genuine,” Football Coach Mr. Tom Soprych said. 

Bielski has made a lasting impact on LFHS and the Lake Forest community.

“Fritz is one of those people that when he leaves the high school, he will be missed and people won’t know why they  miss him until he is gone because of all the contributions he makes,” said football coach Mr. Chuck Spagnoli. 

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Bianca Storino
Bianca Storino, Editor-in-Chief
Bianca Storino is a senior at Lake Forest High School and is excited to return to the Forest Scout as an editor-in-chief! She is an active member of the Lake Forest Varsity Dance Team and is involved in various other clubs at her school. On the rare occasion that she isn’t in the dance studio, you can find her trying out new restaurants, burying herself in a good book, or occasionally listening to true crime podcasts. 
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