A once eager Lake Forest Dance Team member herself, head coach Coach Angela McNicholas has experienced what it takes to be on a successful team. Now, she brings that experience as she leads the team, who recently won back-to-back State Championships.
After becoming a Lake Forest Varsity Dance Team member during her 8th grade tryout, she has loved the opportunity to use her knowledge to help this team achieve greatness. During McNicholas’ time on the dance team, their team jumped from 12th place to 2nd place at nationals, which McNicholas believes marks the beginning of this program’s successful reputation.
“The fact that Coach Ang was a former LFDT (Lake Forest Dance Team) dancer and has experienced everything we go through on a day to day basis is so helpful. She knows what we experience both physically and mentally as dancers, she understands the highs and sometimes the lows, and just cares so much about this team and its legacy,” said sophomore member Mia Konkol.

McNicholas had much to say about the “legacy” of what it means to be a Lake Forest Dance Team member. Returning back to the program after finishing her freshman year at the University of Michigan, she has always felt a strong draw back to the program. She describes her time as a coach as a “gift” to still have the opportunity to “be in on it and have a foot in the door.”
“Having this legacy holds everyone to a higher standard of what we want to leave them with,” said McNicholas. “I can’t imagine not being a part of this program and not thinking about it.”
After becoming the Head Coach in 2022, after previously being an assistant coach for five years, McNicholas credits her abilities as a coach from the experience of working with three other head coaches throughout the years.
“I was an assistant coach for three different coaches over a long period of time, which made becoming a head coach easier because I had many people to model. Not only one coach but three. I came into a really big opportunity with my head full of ideas,” said McNicholas.
This past February, the Lake Forest Varsity Dance team secured first place overall at the 2024 IHSA State Championship in Bloomington, Illinois and had previously won the 2A championship in 2023. Many of the dancers credit much of their success to the encouragement of their coach.
“Coach Ang is always putting her dancers before herself. She will come early to practice and stay after to make sure everything is in order and that she is setting up her team for success. She puts all of her effort into the dance team and it is shown ultimately by the bond that she has helped create between each dancer and coach as well as each performance,” said sophomore Josie Irvin.
As an experienced dancer, McNicholas uses her knowledge and her enthusiasm for this program to motivate the team during tough times.

“Our first focus is having a cohesive team that understands and supports each other through summer and sideline seasons. Having a team that will be honest with you, who will give you feedback from a place of a team rather than criticism. We’re capable of being successful but it can only happen if we’re working together,” said McNicholas.
Over the past few years McNicholas has developed a family-like culture that resonates with the team.
“Coach Ang has left an undeniable mark on not only me as a person but the entire LFDT program as a whole. She has taught me to have confidence in myself in and out of practice, strive to work my hardest, but also to push past limits I never thought existed. Her guidance, support, and everlasting love to this team, and impact on me and all of the dancers is truly so appreciated and memorable,” said Varsity Captain Rachel Silvers.
McNicholas has been a role model for many of the dancers as more than just a coach. Previously working at Lake Bluff Middle School, she has had the opportunity to watch many of her dancers grow as people throughout the year.

“I appreciate her so much more because she’s taught me so much more than just dance. Not only just school stuff but life lessons, she’s been such a good mentor for me because I’ve known her since middle school. It’s been so helpful having her across my high school journey,” said senior Maddie Van Nuys.
McNicholas understands the importance of setting a good example for the dancers. She believes a team “grounded in camaraderie and unwavering support” starts with the coaches. She and Varisty Assistant coach Mrs. Ashley Nash strive to make sure they can do that for them.
McNicholas emphasizes that much of the teams success comes from the help of the assistant coach Ashley Nash.
“LFDT is so lucky to have the most passionate group of coaches that constantly support each other. Coach Ashley and I work to model that relationship daily,” said McNicholas.

If the Varsity Dance Team qualifies for Nationals this year during their UDA summer camp, they will unfortunately not be able to attend the IHSA State Championship in search of their third state title because it falls on the same weekend as Nationals. However, with the leadership that McNicholas provides, there is no doubt that the dance team will continue to thrive.
Steve Van Nuys • May 10, 2024 at 8:39 am
Well deserved!!!! Congrats!
Reese • May 9, 2024 at 9:14 am
The absolute best! So deserving of this.
Amelia • May 8, 2024 at 11:07 am
The best coach ever! Congrats Coach Ang!!
Cindy Rogna • May 8, 2024 at 8:41 am
Proud mama of this amazing woman.

Jacqueline Berkshire • May 8, 2024 at 10:31 am
She is a great role model.!
Rachel • May 8, 2024 at 7:35 am
Yayyy coach ang!!!! So so amazing!
Lyla Carney • May 8, 2024 at 7:34 am
The best coach anyone could ever ask for!! We are so grateful to have you!