After a long school day, followed by hours of homework, it’s not surprising that many high school students feel constantly stressed out.
As an incoming freshman, I really struggled to get my work done on time and maintain my grades. Now, as an outgoing junior, I can confidently say I’m able to stay on top of all of my assignments.
I strongly believe that this is because of exercise.
Ever since I started prioritizing exercise, I now have a couple of hours to myself every day that I look forward to after school.
Especially with a big test coming up, I find it more important to schedule a workout than to study for hours on end. Giving yourself brain breaks is important, which is why many teachers have adopted the Pomodoro method.
This method suggests that students take small breaks between study sessions to help alleviate stress and create more productive study habits. I personally like to practice yoga in between studying.
Yoga is the perfect mixture of sweating out any stress or anxiety from my previous school day, and meditation which calms the mind.
Working out is known to promote better sleep, improve your mood, and improve brain function which are all necessities in a high school student’s life.
Exercising initiates blood and oxygen flow in the brain, allowing students to problem solve, and it increases memorization skills. Physical activity also releases endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals; increasing positivity.

As a year-round varsity athlete, junior Ryan Rice enjoys the relaxation and clarity that come with exercise.
“Playing sports helps me clear my head and forget about everything else going on in my life. I also started going to yoga at least once a week and it has really benefited both my mental and physical health,” said Rice.
Whether you’re a varsity athlete, or working out on your own like me, it’s important to find time to move your body and distract yourself from the never-ending school work.
I’m not saying that I never feel overwhelmed by my workload, but going for walks, practicing yoga, and playing sports have all helped me cope.