Name: Katherine Malloy

School: Georgetown University
Sport: Field Hockey
Major: Global Business
Location: Washington, D.C.
Mascot: Hoyas
How did you first hear about Georgetown, and what made you apply? “I first heard about Georgetown when I began researching different schools. During the summer after my sophomore year, I attended a field hockey camp there, and immediately fell in love with its idealistic location in Washington DC and overall beautiful campus. After the field hockey coaches reached out to me, I visited again in September, and committed a few days later.”
Why Georgetown? “During my visit, I really liked the overall supportive atmosphere of the field hockey program, and appreciated the balance of academics and athletics that the school provides. Georgetown was also my top choice due to its phenomenal school of foreign service and the unique range of majors it has to offer.”
What are you most excited about? “I am most excited about attending college in Washington DC, as the city truly has so much to offer, such as a variety of museums and restaurants. I am also excited to be surrounded by so many politically active students and staff.”
Name: Ben Kras

School: Washington University
Major: Computer Science and Spanish
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Mascot: Bears
How did you first hear about WashU, and what made you apply? “I’ve known about WashU for just about as long as I’ve been alive – my brother attended and graduated in 2014. As a result, I’ve learned a lot about nearly every aspect of the school since I was a little kid. I think it’s always (at least subconsciously) been in the back of my mind as a potential option since then.”
Why WashU? “I didn’t want to fall into the pitfall of applying just because of legacy, so I did some more independent research the summer following my junior year. Their computer science as well as study abroad programs were exactly what I was looking for – a harmonious blend of independent study and professionally led development in an academically rigorous environment. Having already also visited countless times, I love the feel that their campus brings as well as the people there. Their campus life is teeming with countless promising clubs and activities, and I’m eager to pursue joining some sort of club / intramural soccer team. They’re also not a massive school where I would feel like a cog in a system, and simultaneously not some random, deserted school in the middle of nowhere. They have around eight thousand undergrads – perfect for me.”
What are you most excited about? “Quite honestly, I’m mostly excited about beginning a new chapter in my life and embracing the feel of college, and this would be the same regardless of where I decided to attend. Meeting new people, living independently for the first time, pursuing a major (and minor) I’m passionate about, all of it’s incredibly exciting and I’m very much looking forward to the first day.”
Name: Meghan Duncan

College: Tufts University
Major: Studio Art and Undecided
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Mascot: Jumbo the Elephant
How did you first hear about Tufts, and what made you apply? I had vaguely known what Tufts was before I started the college application process, but what solidified my choice to apply there was finding out about their dual degree program. In researching colleges, what I was looking for was a university with strong academic programs and strong art programs, Tufts ticked both boxes and was in Boston!
Why Tufts? I have always been indecisive about what I want to pursue after college, whether it be art, biology, or humanities. Tufts Dual Degree program gives me the freedom to explore all my interests. It’s the best of both worlds! I get to graduate with two degrees and twice as many choices of what I can do with my future.
What are you most excited about? Living in Boston, Studying abroad, meeting new people, and learning as much as I can!
Name: Olivia McIntyre

College: Purdue University
Major: Psychology
Location: West Lafayette, Indiana
Mascot: Boilermaker
How did you first hear about Purdue, and what made you apply? “I have a friend who goes there and I visited and ended up loving it.”
Why Purdue? “It was the best school I got into and I could really see myself on the campus. I also wanted the experience of a Big 10 School.”
What are you most excited about? “I’m excited to go to football and basketball games.”
Name: Meghan Pierce
College: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Major: Music Performance
Location: Champaign, Illinois
Mascot: Fighting Illini
How did you first hear about Illinois, and what made you apply? “The University Of Illinois is somewhat of a tradition in my family (my grandparents, parents, and sisters have all gone there). I wanted to apply because I like the campus, the educational opportunities are great, and the professors seem extremely dedicated to their students.”
Why Illinois? “I chose UIUC because I think it will help me to have the most musical growth possible. I participated in a summer music program at UIUC for the past two summers. It really helped me become a better musician! I am excited to learn even more from the faculty over the next four years!”
What are you most excited about? “I am very excited about the possibility of joining the Marching Illini! I am also looking forward to the variety of educational opportunities that I will have at UIUC! ”
Name: Elise Raffiani

School: Chapman University
Sport: Track and Field
Major: Creative Producing and Pre-Law
Location: Orange, California
Mascot: Panthers
How did you first hear about Chapman, and what made you apply? “I first heard of Chapman on a New Media field trip in LA. I never gave it a second thought until a coach found me on NCSA and invited me out for an unofficial visit where I met the coaches, team, and sat in on a class.”
Why Chapman? “I chose Chapman because of their esteemed film school. They are the only college in the nation that offers Creative Producing as a BFA (rather than MFA). It is also in such a good location with Disneyland 14 minutes away and the beach 20. Also finding film internships is easier because of the industry out west. I chose Chapman for Track because I knew I wanted to go DIII to focus on my academics rather than traveling DI.”
What are you most excited about? “I am most excited to meet my roommate since they are randomized. I am also so excited to be in warm weather!”