How did you feel when you first found out you made the team?
“When I was first told I made Varsity I was so happy but I had no clue what was in store for the next few seasons. I knew it was going to be tough being a freshman on a varsity sport but I knew I would get to know everyone on the team and it would be a great experience.”
What do you like most about cheer?
“Something I really admire about cheer is the community is everyone is just really kind towards others. With a lot of other sports, if a team loses the opposing team would usually get upset but for cheer it’s the opposite. If someone wins, then you see other teams congratulating them and being very encouraging towards their win”
Do you prefer sideline cheer or competition?
“Definitely competition because I feel like even though the practices are longer and harder than sideline season, they make everyone want to work harder for each other. Competition season is also a lot longer and a lot more pressure but in the end the work pays off and it is 100% worth it.”
Have you bonded well with the other people on the team?
“Yes, for sure. When I first made the team I only knew a few people and I was only one of six new members and one of two freshmen. I was new to the team as well as the school. But as the year went on, I have gotten to know everyone on the team really well.”
Have you improved your skills while being on Varsity?
“Yes my skills have definitely improved while being on Varsity because I have been held more accountable for the amount of work I put in. We do a lot of skill building as a team and because the team is so good, everyone has really pushed me to be my best.”
What is one of your most memorable moments on the team so far?
“A really memorable moment I have on cheer is all the competitions but specifically the Niles West High School competition when we got first place. I think it’s so exciting having your name called last on the speaker knowing you won against other really good teams.”

Do you have any pre-competition rituals?
“Something I along with a lot of other people on my team do are handshakes before we compete. Everyone on the team has at least one other person they do a handshake with and the meaning behind these is for good luck before we perform.”
What are your thoughts on the upperclassmen to underclassmen ratio?
“I think that since there are ten juniors and only five underclassmen that once the juniors graduate it will be harder to recover from losing so many people. But I know all the juniors pretty well and I am really grateful for all of them and I am really glad I got to spend time with them on this team.”