“On Wednesdays we wear pink,” a classic mean girls movie quote that all fans find funny and strangely interesting.
A new Mean Girls movie is set to come out Jan. 12. Many at LFHS are familiarized with Mean Girls, especially when watching it in your wellness class freshman year. Not only did we get the chance to watch it, but this school year the LFHS theater department is performing “Mean Girls The Musical.”
While the new Mean Girls movie may just seem like another typical teenage movie, it has made me think more deeply about if the movie’s stereotypes of high school fit the environment at LFHS.

Mrs. Kelly MacBlane, a history teacher as well as one of the directors of the Mean Girls musical says, she doesn’t notice any “hard-core mean girl activity,” especially not in the open.
While staff may not see the behind the scenes of a high schoolers social life, it is presented throughout the student body.
Junior Isabella Adams shares her opinions when looking through the perspective of a student, “Personally I think that stereotypes are not as dramatic as the movies tend to be, but I think that there are strong cliches, which sometimes deal with drama and can get carried away,” said Adams.
Both students and staff feel that friend groups who have strong relationships, might run into issues at times, but not to the extremes that are presented in the movie .
As students continue to mature and become more involved in activities, the true ideals of the original Mean Girls movie have vanished. However, many still believe that there are those stereotypical “mean girls” at LFHS.
“I think it’s more seen in the underclassmen, because you are getting adjusted to the high school and problems involving friend groups start to happen,” said Mrs. LeeAnn Nelson.
As the underclassmen are trying to manage their way through the first few semesters of high school, it seems that they are the ones who can potentially be seen as a “mean girl.”
In a hypothetical scenario, or as seen in the movie, you can easily scope out the “popular” group or the “athletic” group as well as the “brainiac” group. However, these stereotypes have seemed to diminish due to people discovering their own interests. Popularity doesn’t seem to matter anymore.
The bullying, calling each other unspeakable names in the “Burn Book,” stealing each other’s boyfriends, and backstabbing “friends,” are all differences that could be seen as “cool” and “funny” in the Mean Girls movie, but that emphasize how LFHS is a high school that does not follow along that path.