Homecoming week is one of the most popular weeks of the year because it’s filled with many opportunities for students to show Scout pride.
One of the most cherished traditions is Spirit Week. The Spirit Week themes are decided by the Student Council, and all students and staff are strongly encouraged to participate in the various days.
To recap the past week, Monday started off with PJ/Adam Sandler Day. The halls were crowded with people wearing their comfy PJs and their long basketball shorts to imitate Sandler.

“My favorite spirit day is PJ Day because I love coming to school in my comfy clothes and not feeling pressured to dress up and look presentable like usual,” said sophomore Sophia Brincat.

Tuesday was Class Distinction Day. Freshmen were assigned USA-theme attire, sophomores with camo, juniors with country club/preppy, seniors with the highly anticipated togas, and staff with college gear!
“I’ve been hoping for a camo day for awhile now because I’ve had the clothes for so long and I’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to wear it,” said sophomore Kayden Prieto.
Senior Ellery Newman also expressed her excitement for Class Distinction Day.
“I was so excited to wear my toga after watching the seniors do it for the past three years. I couldn’t believe my time had finally come to [wear] one,” Newman said.
Wednesday was beach vacation themed where the sunglasses, flip flops, and sun hats made an appearance since summer’s end.

Thursday’s Anything but a Backpack Day theme was very fun and unique. Students were instructed to bring their school supplies in quite literally “anything but a backpack.”
Some of the main rules for this day was that the backpack replacement could not be an animal or person (any living thing) and had to be manageable to walk up the stairs.

“I was excited for Anything but a Backpack Day [because] I could bring a lawn bag to school for fun,” freshman George Dunnick said.
This day is enjoyed by many people so they can see the creative alternatives people brought in place of a backpack.
“Anything but a Backpack Day is the funniest Spirit Week day. You never know what someone is going to take to school, and people get super creative,” said junior Agnes Vedra.
Last but certainly not least is Friday with Scout All Out!
All students and staff were encouraged to wear blue and gold to represent Lake Forest on the day of Pep Rally and the Homecoming Football Game against Zion-Benton.
The purpose of Spirit Week is to unite students and staff in the school, and get everyone excited for the Homecoming festivities that happen over the weekend.
It has not gone unnoticed that many freshmen tend to do the bare minimum when it comes to dressing up. In contrast, most seniors go all out for their final Spirit Week.
The Student Council put a lot of effort into spreading the word about each day’s themes, and it did not go unrecognized. With our students and staff members looking forward to Homecoming, Spirit Week was created to alleviate the stress that comes with the busy weekend.