Three sport varsity athlete Bella Ranallo leaves a mark at LFHS

April 28, 2023
Bella Ranallo is a three-sport varsity athlete, in her last season of softball. Since her freshman year, Bella Ranallo has been on varsity for basketball and softball. She added her third varsity sport, volleyball, in her senior year.
This upcoming fall, Bella will be playing NCAA Division 1 basketball at Clemson University.
From an early age, she knew she wanted to be a collegiate athlete. Through hard work, sacrifice, and determination, Bella has achieved her largest goal.
At the age of 5, Bella started playing basketball and softball. She played both sports up until last summer, where Bella made the tough decision to solely pursue basketball. She had missed too much softball and decided it was time to put all her effort into one sport outside of school.
When she was 11, she started private basketball training sessions with Stan Stewart at True Ball Nation. Diverging from the average young athlete, Bella was creating a name for herself.
Entering highschool, she started going to Quest ran by Quone, also known as Coach Q. She still goes religiously, always striving to improve. He has now become someone she considers her role model.
“I admire how much of a sponge Bella is. She’s willing to get feedback and work on specific things you recommend,” said Quone. “Most athletes stick to the same routines and focus on what they’re good at, but Bella goes beyond.”
After two-hour volleyball practices, Bella would go to Lake Forest College and play basketball to make sure she was constantly getting reps. No one asked her to and no one forced her; she did it all simply for the fact that she wanted to improve.
Any downtime Bella had in between sports was spent working out. If she had an hour and a half break, she’d go to Quest, get her workout in, then go to a night practice.
Coaches Wilhelm, Re, Stacey, Nick, and Matt have taught Bella so much that she needed to know. She is blessed to have been on each and every one of their teams.
Winning regionals on her home court both freshman and senior year is a memory Bella will always cherish.
Bella also hit a huge milestone in her senior year, she joined the 1000 points club, alongside one of her long-time teammates, Rachel Kaus.
“Seeing Halle Douglass reach that milestone made me think to myself that I should make that one of my goals. To have me and Rachel get it together in the same year was something I would have never imagined.”
Softball holds a special place in Bella’s heart. It was her favorite sport for most of her life, as her family are huge softball and basketball enthusiasts.. She has been playing softball since she was in kindergarten and then moved on to play travel when she got older.
“The memories from over all these years have made softball priceless to me, they’re something I’ll never forget,” said Bella.
Although Bella stopped playing softball for a travel team, she continues to play here for the Scouts.
“Bella has always been competitive and very determined to be the best athlete she can be,” said Bella’s mom Mrs. Ann Marie Ranallo. “She would drive 45 minutes or longer to go to practices. She’d go from softball games to basketball games and not think twice about it.”
From waking up at 5 a.m. and driving to the middle of nowhere for tournaments, the second Bella saw the field, she was ready to put in her all. No matter if she has one game or five, by the fifth game, Bella still has the same intensity showing from the first.
“Bella’s work ethic is contagious. Seeing how much work she’s putting in will drive a person to want to do more with themselves. There are many athletes who put in hours of work, but every second of Bella’s training has intention,” said Quone.
Not only was Bella coached by Mr. Kleeman and Carney, and her travel coach Pam, but her own Dad as well.
Being able to play softball with her freshman sister, Arianna, is the best ending to her high school career she could have asked for.
Even though volleyball was never her main focus, it kept her busy during her off-seasons.
She started in middle school at St. Mary’s and continued her career at the high school. For her last year here, Bella earned her spot on the varsity team, making it her third varsity sport.
“As a ‘superstar athlete’ it is very easy to become complacent and be all about yourself, but Bella is the opposite,” said coach Quone. “She continues to strive for greatness and loves bringing other teammates on the journey with her.”
Bella has always been a competitor, no matter what sport she’s playing. No matter what number a sport is ranked for her, she will put forward 110% effort.
“What made it so special for me was that volleyball is where I met my lifelong high school best friends. It’s the sport I just played for fun with my friends, I wasn’t as focused on it as my other sports, but competing and playing a sport with my best friends is unbeatable,” said Ranallo
Winning regionals on her home court, for another sport, was a huge moment for Bella. Not only did her team earn the plaque, but she did so with her best friends.
She is forever grateful for her coaches, Mrs. Rebecca and Mr. Werner, who always pushed her to be the best she could be. They were both there for her no matter what she needed.
“For all the young athletes, everything happens for a reason. Always dream big and never change them for anyone because if you put in the time and effort and believe in yourself, it’s crazy what can happen,” said Ranallo.
She credits much of her own success to her coaches and family.
“I want to thank my family and their sacrifices they have made for me to get to where I am today. To all the coaches I’ve had over the years, I’ve had the pleasure to be coached by each and every one of them. To my workout coaches Q and Courtney, my friends, and of course God. A quick thank you to my brothers for not getting me out of things the easy way and always pushing me to be better. I would not be the person I am today without them.”
Howie zolt kiddles • Nov 24, 2023 at 7:35 pm
All the best good luck at Clemson!