Rocking the stage: Q&A with musician Patrick Kolcan
April 5, 2023
Patrick Kolcan, a former member of rock band Skizzors, currently plays with various music groups as a guitarist and lead singer. Kolcan pole vaults for the track team, participates in science olympiad, enjoys working on music, painting, and modifying his guitars in his spare time.
How did you get into music?
“I’ve always loved music, hearing it just fires some neurons in my brain or something. I started band in 5th grade and then one time my mom got me a guitar lesson at School of Rock in Highwood and from there I just kept at it. I’ve been playing guitar for three years now.”
What instruments do you play?
“I taught myself guitar during the pandemic and I kept playing and got pretty good at it. In total I play the guitar, the drums, and the flute. When it comes to guitar, I’m better at chords but lead is more interesting to me.”
Do you write your own songs and music?
“I’m not usually always writing music, but if there’s a special event I’m gonna play at I like to write a song or two.”
What’s your favorite performance that you’ve done?
“I really like the battle of the bands at Croya. The first year that they had it, it was out front at the Croya center and that was pretty cool. The best one they did was in the RMA, they had like a mosh pit.”
How did you prepare for Talent Show?
“At that time most of the band members were pretty busy so we mainly practiced on our own, but we had a few group practices that were mandatory. We played a piece called My Own Summer by deaf tones.”

Favorite thing about being part of a band?
“If you get the right members you form a very tight bond with the people you play with.”
What does the future look like for you and your band, would you pursue a career in music?
“For the future in terms of a career in music the idea of it is very attractive but it’s not very stable. It’s very unlikely that I would get picked up and even now I’m not really putting anything out for the public. I will probably get on that soon though.”