Scouts pull out close win in annual ELS game
February 23, 2023
The ELS game has once again proven itself to be one of the most spirited and fun events of the year after the Scouts managed a close win against New Trier Thursday. Coached by Chuck Spagnoli, the team pulled through, defeating the Trevians 54-52.
The team has been preparing since January, with help from the Integrated Wellness TAs, known as the “buddies.”
“The buddies have been really nice,” said freshman team member Lily Stauffer. “They’ve helped us get ready…with them, a win is easy.”

The game wouldn’t be the same without support from the student section. No matter which team scored, the crowd was on their feet cheering along with the cheerleaders and the band.
This year, a raffle was also held to raise money for GiGi’s Playhouse, a non profit organization that helps children with Down Syndrome get access to therapy, education, and career development.
GiGi’s Playhouse aims to spread the message that although kids with disabilities may have more to over come, they can and do achieve the same as their neuro-typical peers. Spagnoli says that’s the mission the ELS game also strives for each year.
“More than anything,” Spagnoli said. “Everyone involved in the game, whether they have any kind of a disability or not, has a place on that court. They’re all part of the community, and a community supports each other. No matter what.”