Q&A with Diving Captain Harrison Newman

Caroline Gerber, Staff Writer

Junior Harrison Newman, the captain of the diving team, has been diving all three years of high school, and he also runs for the boys track and cross country teams.  

What inspired you to start diving?

“I had to do a sport in the winter, and I was naturally good at certain techniques diving requires like knowing where you are in the air.”

How is the season going for the team?

“Our season is going strong. Every diver has improved since the start of the season, and we always have fun with our coach, Alex. Hopefully the Back twins can make it to finals at sectionals.”

What is the most challenging thing about diving?

“Morning practices or learning new tricks.”

How do you feel before you dive?

“I get nervous sometimes. In swimming, you’re watching lots of different lanes for the race, but in diving, all eyes are on you, so it’s kind of nerve wracking.”

What is your favorite thing about the diving team?

“It’s really small, so you get to know everyone on it really well.”

What is your greatest accomplishment as team captain?

“Making it to the finals in a conference meet.”

How has your time on the team been?

“My time on the team has been great. As captain, I kind of act as a role model for the other divers, but all of us just see each other as good friends.”

How would you describe the team dynamic?

“We are all pretty good, it’s all fun and games really.”

Do you have any hobbies outside of diving?

“I do a lot of art-related stuff. I do a lot of engineering outside of school, and I do sports in other seasons.”