The return of Young America’s Foundation

December 9, 2022
After being revoked in the spring of 2021, three freshmen have brought Young America’s Foundation back to LFHS. Evelyn Marshall, Sophia Brincat, and Camille Brincat made it their mission to achieve the success the club had previously acquired.
“[They] submitted a pilot club proposal that outlined the mission of the group including how it would benefit Lake Forest High School,” said club sponsor Matt Jerina. “Mrs. Malec, the school’s Activities Director, has been very helpful in the logistics of starting the club again.”
The three freshman chairwomen were inspired to resurface the club because of their desire for conversations with those who share similar beliefs.
“We thought everyone should have a voice and it’s only fair that everyone had a place to talk about our beliefs,” said Chairwoman Eveyln Marshall. Marshall’s brother, Jack, was a former member who helped organize the return of YAF for this 2022-23 school year, before graduating in 2022.
Part of laying the foundation for the revival of YAF was finding a teacher sponsor. Wellness coach and head boys cross country coach Matt Jerina offered to fill this role.
“My niece, Alisa Giannelli, was one of the founders of the original LFHS YAF chapter. It was great seeing all of the positive things they were able to accomplish during her time as a student,” said Jerina. “I’m excited to sponsor the club for the three ladies that started it back up because they have the same passion for YAF that she has.”
After getting approval from the board of directors, YAF was able to make its official return to the LFHS campus. Since their first meeting in October, they have hosted a meeting every first and third Friday of the month, which was essential due to previous controversy surrounding the amount of club meetings.
Two years ago, Young America’s Foundation (YAF) was temporarily suspended due to an “alleged violation of pilot club rules.” The LFHS club guidelines state that all clubs must have one meeting per month. Reportedly, YAF did not meet those requirements due to the COVID-19 restrictions at the time.
While YAF is not directly associated with the Republican party, most of their members typically side with conservative beliefs.
YAF conducted an investigation into the school’s decision stating “Young America’s Foundation is 100% committed to helping chapters succeed against leftist biases present on campus.”
The year prior, in 2020, Lake Forest High School YAF was awarded the organization’s chapter of the year award. YAF hosted events with conservative speakers Steve Forbes and Rachel Campos-Duffy in Lake Forest High School’s Raymond Moore Auditorium, which contributed to their success as a club.
Besides hosting events and projects, the primary goal of YAF is “ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values.”
At LFHS, this goal is pursued through discourse about “current and relevant political topics.” Like-minded individuals have the opportunity to openly share their opinions. Chairwomen Camille Brincat advises that “everyone should get involved and join a club,” and describes YAF as a “safe space for discussion.”
“It’s awesome to be around people with similar beliefs where we can all share freely in a safe environment,” said senior member Caroline Keil.
If you’re interested in attending the next meeting it will take place Jan. 6. in room 063.
Jim Athanas • Dec 11, 2022 at 6:54 pm
I applaud these young Ladies and Gentlemen for bringing back YAF to LFHS. Matt Jerina will do a fine job being their sponsor and I have offered my assistance should he need any.
Anonymous • Dec 9, 2022 at 8:34 pm
Well said, Elsa♥️