Christmas controversies

Christmas controversies

Pride Haggerty, Staff Writer

As we approach the holiday season, families are starting to bring back annual holiday traditions. From tree decor to holiday music some have similar traditions, while others have opinions about Christmas that seem controversial. Not every family celebrates Holidays the same, so let’s see how our students at LFHS feel about some controversial subjects regarding Christmas.

1. White vs. Colored lights (people have a lot to say about this one)

“White lights is the only acceptable answer.” – senior Posy Connery

“White looks classical and excellent.” – senior Vincent Nottoli  

“I like white lights better than colored lights because I think white lights look more sophisticated than colored lights. Of course it’s fun to add some color to your Christmas light rotation but the white lights are just classic and timeless whereas colored lights can get tiring.” – senior Lainey O’neil

“If you have colored lights outside your house, I’m gonna immediately think of you in a different way.” – senior Julian Atendido 

“Colored Christmas lights are tacky.” – senior Luca Ferraioli

“They have to be soft colored lights. I have never been a multi light person, but maybe in the bushes a few red bulbs could go.” – Dr. Dukats. 

“Colorful lights are ugly.” – senior Annie Swift

“Colored because it’s like childhood.” – senior Izzy Smith

“Colored Christmas lights do not capture the Christmas spirit. How would green and blue lights even correlate to Christmas? All the different varying colored lights steer far away from the original Christmas colors, and make the tree look aesthetically very unpleasant. And personally they give me a headache, and occasionally nauseous.” – senior Chloe Robb

“Can’t be white. Can’t be a rainbow. Has to be yellow.” senior Zoe Frentzas

2. Favorite Christmas Movie

“Polar Express because it just reminds me of my childhood which is what Christmas is all about and I always watch it with my family which is another bonus of Christmas.” – sophomore Mona Ferraioli

“The Polar Express is more of a horror movie than a Christmas movie.” senior Piper Rother

“It’s a wonderful life ! It’s a classic film with a fantastic screenplay really capturing the importance and value of life all the while celebrating the true meaning of Christmas!” – senior Sophie Delhey

“My favorite movie is probably Christmas Vacation because I watch it with my family every year and it’s such a fun movie.” freshman Addington Leahy 

“Home alone because it is funny and I appreciate my family around Christmas.” freshman Reagan Brown

“Home Alone is better than elf and polar express because it just never gets old and I feel like polar express is a movie you can watch very few times before it gets old. Home alone is more funny while polar express is almost creepy because of the faces.” -Swift 

“Definitely Christmas vacation because its always been a movie my family watches together around the holidays and I feel like it’s a really funny movie for all sorts of age groups.” – sophomore Cate Lee

4. Christmas Feast:

“Steak Fondue, baked potatoes and custard” – Piper Rother

“We eat like steak hahah. I think the name is beef tenderloin and also we eat this jello with a bunch of fruit in it.” – junior Chloe York

“My mom does this thing where she makes all of our favorite foods. Like pasta, and all of our favorite dishes.” – senior Sheila Falls

“Ham, mash potatoes, etc.” senior Maddy Turinsky

“We have breakfast egg casserole with sausage, and then for dinner we have lasagna with green beans and baked potatoes.” – junior Cece Carr

“Chinese food. We just get take out.” – Izzy Smith

4. When is it appropriate to start listening to xmas music?

“After Thanksgiving.” – senior Rylan Stark 

“When it starts snowing.” – Sheila Falls

“The week before Christmas.” – Izzy Smith

“Day after Thanksgiving.” – senior Brian Zeeman 

“After Thanksgiving. I think Thanksgiving is just skipped over. It also makes Christmas more special when it’s a shorter amount of time.” – senior Emmie Edwards 

And lastly, to finish it off we have one more unpopular opinion: “Christmas gets so much hype but it’s only fun for 2 hours then the day is just full of nothing,” said Swift.