Bring Back ‘Anne with an E’

September 7, 2022
In late 2019, it was announced that Anne with an E would not return for a fourth season. The cast, creators, and especially fans (or “kindred spirits”) worldwide were devastated. As a huge fan myself, I’m equally heartbroken. On a typical day, I’ll find my mind wandering about “what might’ve been,” if this amazing series continued.
Based on Lucy Montgomery’s classic Anne of Green Gables and created by Canadian Emmy-winning writer of Breaking Bad Moira Walley-Beckett, Anne with an E was a co-production between Netflix and Canadian television network CBC.
Set in 1896, in a small town known as Avonlea on Prince Edward Island, Anne with an E follows the story of red-haired orphan Anne Shirley-Cuthbert (Amybeth McNulty), who, after an abusive childhood living in orphanages, is accidentally sent to live with siblings Matthew (R.H. Thomson) and Marilla Cuthbert (Geraldine James). At Green Gables (her new home), Matthew and Marilla love and care for her as their own. Over the course of the series, alongside her best friends, Diana Barry (Dalila Bela) and Ruby Gillis (Kyla Matthews), and love interest, Gilbert Blythe (Lucas Jade Zumann), Anne navigates the struggles of adolescence with the help of her brave and passionate spirit.
Despite the main audience being middle school age and up, the series can be enjoyed by all. Anne with an E is the perfect comfort show, and it’s also a catalyst for discussion surrounding found family, prejudice, grief, and love during the late 19th century. At the 2019 Canadian Screen Awards, the series received seventeen nominations and won seven awards. Such nominations included a nomination for Best Lead Actress, Amybeth McNulty as well as Best Drama Series.
The show was not canceled due to unpopularity, Radio Times clarified that Anne with an E was unexpectedly canceled when negotiations between Netflix and CBC fell through.
When Netflix formally announced that season three would be its last, A-list celebrities like Ryan Reynolds advocated for its renewal via Twitter.
According to Market Research Telecast, in order for Anne with an E to return, Netflix or a different company has to buy the rights from CBC.
While one certainly cannot deny the show’s incredible acting, beautiful cinematography, and poignant writing, so many other things captivated me as well. I found myself constantly rooting for the characters, and I was inspired by Anne to let my passions drive me. I would honestly give anything to watch it for the first time again.
Here are some reasons why this series should be renewed:
Period Piece “Re-Imagined”:

Anne with an E seizes the opportunity to include untold stories that exist simultaneously to that of Anne of Green Gables’ late 19th-century setting, with its take on diversity and inclusion.
For starters, the cast has a wide range of representation of people of color, which aside from shows like Bridgerton, has never really been done before. It reinforces the idea that there are “no excuses” when it comes to making sure every story is told. In addition, costume designers, Anne Dixon and Alex Reda, don’t fail to style the characters in beautiful “period piece” attire, especially Anne’s stunning royal blue gown from the series finale.
LGBTQ+ Representation:
Anne with an E does a tremendous job at telling the story of two LGBTQ+ characters, Aunt Josephine Barry and Cole Mackenzie. In the series, Josephine is Diana Barry’s aunt as well as a huge role model to Anne. At the time, same-sex marriage was illegal in
Canada, so viewers often find Josephine reflecting on her “private, not secret” life with her late partner, Gertrude. Similarly, after facing major bullying and struggling with his sexuality, Cole, a close friend of Anne’s, leaves Avonlea and moves in with Josephine.

From there, he is raised in an environment that encourages and accepts him for who he is. This eventually led to the series being nominated for the 2019 GLAAD Media Award. This award honors specific branches of media for their outstanding representation of the LGBTQ+ community.
Indigenous Storyline:
In season three, Anne befriends a Native girl named Ka’Kwet. Ka’Kwet is encouraged to attend a boarding school that will help “assimilate” her into modern society, unaware of the horrific reality. Her story sheds light on the abusive residential schools that Indigenous people were put through, which forced children to reject their culture, religion, and identity. While the series doesn’t show starvation, murders, or sexual assault, Ka’Kwet is stripped of her name and cultural style. After facing emotional, verbal, and physical abuse, she manages to escape. Unfortunately, it’s not long before she’s captured from her tribe, and forced to return. As her mother tries to protect her, the men after her attack her tribe, kidnap other children, and shoot her father. Her parents seek out Anne’s family

for help, but alas, they are threatened by the priest and guards. Her parents are last seen determined to save her, but the series ends before her journey is explored further. While Anne with an E was set in Prince Edward Island, Ka’Kwet’s journey does more than reveal Canada’s dark history because many residential schools existed in the United States. Although this story unpacked a lot of trauma and dehumanization, it must be recognized that residential schools were cultural genocide for not only the Mi’kmaq First Nation people (those who have Indian status under Canadian law), but also for Indigenous people worldwide. The Indian representation was certainly a step in the right direction, however, it’s extremely sad that Anne with an E was canceled before tales of Indigenous harmony could’ve been shared.
Celebrates the Female Experience:
Anne with an E is the intersectional feminist show we all need. Not only does Anne’s eccentric, and full-of-life character speak volumes about powerful women, but the series also details significant aspects of womanhood. A key moment includes Anne getting her first period. At first, she thinks she’s dying. Marilla then explains what is actually happening to her. The show including this is huge because menstruation is a very pivotal moment in a woman’s life and something that is typically neglected in the television industry.

Furthermore, season two brings Mary, a black laundress from “The Bog,” who transitions into Avonlea life as a black woman, and Mrs. Muriel Stacy, Avonlea’s new–young widowed–school teacher. As the season goes on, her progressive teaching survives the town’s outcry over replacing her with someone with a more “conservative” teaching approach. Season three tackles an even greater number of social issues, including gender parity and sexual harassment toward women. It also develops many side-female characters. Anne with an E is unique because it dares to suggest that women are capable of engaging in both things like hosting tea parties and falling in love, as well as writing poetry–a common pastime in the series–, empowering each other, and fighting for what they believe in.
Anne and Gilbert’s Relationship:
Finally, fans know well that Anne with an E isn’t Anne with an E without Anne and Gilbert. At last, we got to see them get together. Personally, I’m dying to see how their love story will evolve now that they’re on two separate paths; Anne’s new journey at Queen’s Academy and Gilbert following his passion for becoming a doctor at the University of Toronto. The series does a beautiful job of developing the two characters individually so that their relationship starts with a close friendship that slowly blossoms into something more. Fans also know that Anne and Gilbert are the slow burn of slow burns, meaning that every scene they had together was intentional by creators, and treasured by fans. Part of what I love about Anne and Gilbert is how they reflect so many different tropes. Flashback to season one, Anne definitely wasn’t Gilbert’s biggest fan. This is evident when she whacks a wooden slate over his head when he’s trying to get her attention. Throughout the first season, they’re both at the top of their class, and their relationship will follow an “academic rivals to friends to lovers” storyline

(yes, that is a thing). By season two, they become pen pals while Gilbert is away at sea. By season three, both Gilbert and Anne have matured, and are ready to confront their feelings. Honestly, we were blessed with the dancing scene, their protesting together, and the love letters. However, in the midst of all that, these two had awful communication (a very real phenomenon), which meant they didn’t get together until the end. Fans didn’t get to see them, as a real couple, fight for each other outside of Avonlea. Their story is powerful and enchanting and isn’t quite over yet.
The message Anne with an E sends is beautiful. Everything the characters felt, I felt.
I encourage every person who reads this to watch it and enjoy the quality of the series. I also implore you to sign this petition on for its renewal. It needs 3 million signatures and has already amassed over 1.5 million. After extensive research, there isn’t that much that can be done to save this beloved series besides signing it. Hopefully, if more people fall in love with the show, it can be saved.
Rachel Johnson • Mar 16, 2025 at 7:48 pm
This show captivated me!! Please create season 4!!! Nothing good comes on television anymore but this one had me glued. I was intrigued, and it warmed my heart!! I would love to see Sebastian and teacher get together!!! 🙂
Anna Ciuraj • Mar 16, 2025 at 1:48 am
I love this show , and I would like to see Anne and Gilbert’s life journey together.
Please , make season 4. It’s a wonderful show.
Cheryl • Mar 15, 2025 at 11:24 pm
I loved the series and have rewatched it many times. I hope the production companies reconsider and offer a few more seasons. There is so much story left to tell.
Brandi • Feb 27, 2025 at 8:42 pm
I truly wish they bring it back. It was so wounderful and left to premature. Loved the show so much!
Michele • Feb 27, 2025 at 5:58 pm
Please bring back Anne with an e. I would like to see what Anne accomplish in her schooling, Gilbert and family. We need more series…..please.
Ronni • Feb 26, 2025 at 10:12 pm
I literally binged watching Anne with a E. It was so good with so many topics and emotions. So many untold endings. I wonder if its to late to continue the story line. Great mini tv series 👍🏾👍🏾
Emmalee • Feb 23, 2025 at 10:03 pm
By the time the 3rd season was over,I was devastated.I really want there to be a season 4.My heart for Anne and Gilbert is heartbroken now that I can’t see them grow together.
Danni • Feb 14, 2025 at 12:22 pm
Make a more seasons please!!!
Dora Cestaro • Feb 12, 2025 at 9:55 pm
Extremely disappointed that this series doesn’t continue. What an absolute joy to watch such an innocent and brilliant show. It ends leaving way too much to the imagination. I’m so sad
Mike Mallon • Feb 9, 2025 at 4:51 pm
So much unfinished to the story
Angela Brady • Feb 2, 2025 at 6:27 pm
Please bring Anne back!!
Carmen Cervantes • Jan 31, 2025 at 12:53 pm
Omgosh I absolutely loved Anne with an E. I’m not one to watch much TV until I found this. I was sad it ended. It was so refreshing. Consider more series please.
Tammy Ann Dybdall • Jan 19, 2025 at 9:46 pm
Loved the series. It’s so nice to watch something that was so intelligently written.
Sally • Jan 7, 2025 at 12:13 am
I watched the series twice and hoped for a new season. I wish they would bring back the series.
Hercules Fernandes • Dec 30, 2024 at 9:14 am
Please continue with this wonderful series! my family enjoyed a lot the 3 seasons and should be complete.
Donna Troyer • Dec 27, 2024 at 12:12 pm
Please Please bring the
Series back. I loved this movie.
yesica • Dec 3, 2024 at 4:46 pm
I love this series please bring it back!!!
Mary • Oct 20, 2024 at 6:45 pm
I’m totally disappointed about the cancellation of the show…
Bring it back…
Ava znoel • Oct 9, 2024 at 6:49 pm
I think its ridiculous that such a beautiful world through the eyes of a young girl so ahead of her time who magically draws us in to be held captive to every episode be canceled . Why? This was such a feel good masterpiece so well acted that for the moment takes you away from all the ugly of the world and offers insight and hope,please entertain bringing it back.
Beth • Oct 29, 2024 at 2:43 pm
I just finished it last night And I am heartbroken that it’s not going to continue.
Adele • Sep 22, 2024 at 9:52 pm
I am so disappointed that it will not be renewed. This is truly one of the best shows I have ever watched. I want to know what happens with the Indian girl and the rest of the girls. I want to see the baby grow up and where everyone’s life has taken them. Somehow, someway, bring this show back.
Brenda • Sep 18, 2024 at 3:26 pm
I love this series and I cannot believe it is over with so many incomplete stories. I find myself longing for each and everyone’s storyline. I want more. Please bring it back.
Amina • Sep 13, 2024 at 2:01 pm
I love Anne withane so very much I think all young people should watch this intriguing series. It brings so many great morals to life, and shows how we should all fight for our rights.
Diane • Sep 22, 2024 at 8:57 am
Anne with an e is an exceptional show with talented actors that should never have been cancelled. I have just finished watching season three and am so sad it’s over.
Edward • Sep 12, 2024 at 8:23 pm
Anne with an E is a very refreshing take on many previous adaptations . With the busy fast paced life of the 21st century and especially after covid .
It allows the viewer the ability to reflect on their own lives and , with the refreshing modern take the series has also given further insight into the other trials and tribulations that were evident in that time period .
With the amazing acting and screen time from all involved in the production it also provides a strong moral compass for daughters around the world , sending congratulations from AUSTRALIA .
Edward Bellgrove – father of 2 exceptional daughters
Rumiana • Sep 7, 2024 at 5:25 am
Yes, please bring back Anne !
It is the most beautiful, compassionate , inspiring and lovely series ever!
We need more movies like “Anne with an E ”
And the actors are perfect,
Anne just splendid !
Love her love her everything and specially her hair 👩🦰💝
And yes, what’s happened with the Indian girl?
It us also very educational series too !
Amy • Sep 6, 2024 at 1:00 pm
I binge watched all three seasons this past week. I laughed, I cried, etc. and am so disappointed that it wasn’t renewed.
Julie • Sep 5, 2024 at 11:19 am
I loved this programme. Anne with an E was heartwarming, and emotional. I loved the way people overcame prejudices and shoed acceptance (eventually). It was lovely to watch something without swearing, nakedness, falseness. More of this we need to help the younger generation to gain new ideals of life Please don’t end. What happens to the Indian girl?
Neda • Aug 31, 2024 at 11:21 am
Anne with E, the series was much nicer than the cartoon, please continue; it is not fair for the viewers of this series with such an ending.
Fanny • Aug 24, 2024 at 11:58 am
Pls come back anne!
Peter • Aug 24, 2024 at 9:49 am
This is a crying shame that such a beautiful and brilliant store be cut short because of who know what politics in the business. Not only entertaining but also educational, pulls on the heart strings of us all. It’s such a shame that there is so little response in area such as this to make a difference. What would Anne and co, come up with???
Elizabeth Smith • Aug 21, 2024 at 8:17 pm
Once you start something worth while you can’t just stop it like that!You have an obligation to finish it! Whatever happened to seeing things though in life. You want people to watch and gain an audience, than when you do, you just leave them hanging 😒
Romina • Aug 21, 2024 at 1:30 pm
This series was very beautiful and I learned a lot from it and I want it to continue and I hope they make a new season of this series.
GC • Aug 18, 2024 at 4:49 am
Yes we need to know the ending and the rest of the story of Anne and Gilbert’s relationship
Lorraine Klies • Aug 11, 2024 at 2:05 pm
So uplifting, quality entertainment, please bring back, we want more. I want to see Anne marry Gilbert.
Andy • Jul 26, 2024 at 4:43 pm
I would be ecstatic if this show returned!! There is so much more to the story that we need to see!
Maggie Mccage • Mar 2, 2024 at 9:04 pm
Me and my family love this show! We are heart broken that we don’t have at least one more season to tie up loose ends and for us to see Anne happy with her life she worked so hard for. Please bring it back. If nothing else a movie!!!
Angelina with an "A • Dec 12, 2023 at 10:11 am
Love love love this show please bring it back the executives need to get it together and try again with the negotiations!! It wasn’t canceled because it wasn’t popular it was canceled because the couldn’t negotiate and come to terms but please try again we cannot end it with season 3!!!
Mackenzie Marie Palmer - Price • Oct 25, 2023 at 8:50 am
I feel like if the show was advertised properly it would have obtained their desired viewers. I love the show, but I only watched it recently. I have signed every petition out there, it sucks so much that they canceled it. The actors are still able to do it, they are still the right age, but they would have to do it soon. I wish they would let the fans vote to it. To think if every fan paid a dollar, they would have enough to pay for another entire season, without company supports.
Romina • Aug 21, 2024 at 1:32 pm
I completely agree with you and I want a new season of this series
Carol Smith • Sep 25, 2023 at 6:43 pm
This is one of my favorite series.Have watched it twice now all episodes. Take a vote amongst the fans. Save
Anne with an E. Do it because it’s right thing to do.
Emmy • Aug 23, 2023 at 11:11 pm
I would watch this show like a soap opera. For years and years. It’s so beautiful. Please bring back Anne with an e. I think it might be my favorite show ever.
Ken Dobson • Aug 23, 2023 at 6:43 am
The CBC should put the message ANNE with an E brings to light rather than succumb to a misdirected stance. Anne’s courage throughout should be empowering to ilk she portrays.
The series uniqueness was an important contribution to so many mores that confront anyone who is different, as well as those speaking to equality and freedom of speech.
anne with an e fan • Apr 3, 2023 at 10:15 am
i hope this continues ik its not 100% like the books but its still really good i love this sow so much and i wish for it to continue but if it does not I’m happy with the ending we have for Anne and gil- i mean that boy XD.
ทางเข้าเล่น joker • Jan 16, 2023 at 4:01 am
your website is very nice, the article is very enlightening, I wish you continued success.
Seniz • Jan 7, 2023 at 2:25 pm
Please do a new series nearly everybody loves Anne with an e
Akmal • Dec 30, 2022 at 10:44 am
Mabye do the whole series all over again with a different name and make season 4 to all the perfection for Netflix i need the next season pleased please
Akmal • Dec 30, 2022 at 10:42 am
I actually meant the 4th season sorry
Akmal • Dec 30, 2022 at 10:37 am
If u can please renew anne with an e and when u do try make the 3 rd season to Netflix perfection and try to change the name too
Akmal • Dec 30, 2022 at 10:35 am
Please i need it my brother is begging
Deb • Nov 26, 2022 at 5:45 am
I miss Anne With an E so much I’m reading the series just to get more!