I Never Liked You Album Review

May 24, 2022
Future Hendrix is arguably the most toxic music artist of this generation, serving as a symbol for toxicity across the internet. If you scroll through Twitter, Instagram, or Tik Tok, chances are you’ve seen pictures with him as the inspiration behind the caption.
As is the case with most of his other work, Future took this toxicity and embodied it into his newest album, I Never Liked You.
Best song:
“712PM” is the opener to I Never Liked You and arguably the strongest song on the album, which should make sense considering that there are 5 listed producers on this song alone. The gloomy melody and trap percussion along with Future’s flow give it the classic Hendrix sound.
Worst song:
“HOLY GHOST” starts off with an eerie, Halloween-esque intro. The beat seems nearly impossible to rap on until the percussion comes in, but it still doesn’t seem to match Future’s rapping. The airy beat clashes with the compressed vocals and a background synth starts playing that doesn’t match the melody at all. Overall, this song felt like a miss.
Underrated song:
When looking at Future’s top songs on Apple Music or Spotify, “KEEP IT BURNIN” isn’t seen on either list, which is odd given that artist’s top songs are usually filled with their newest releases whenever they drop an album. In fact, it’s Future’s 55th most popular song on Apple Music, topped by songs that are years old.
“KEEP IT BURNIN” was originally in the official tracklist for Kanye’s Donda 2, but ended up being scrapped and used by Future in I Never Liked You.
The song starts with Future mumbling over an airy vox sample, soon taken over by Kanye’s opening verse with the line “Crossed me so much I got nails in my hand,” which is arguably the hardest bar in the whole album.
Most Toxic Lyrics:
In “WAIT FOR YOU,” Future uses the lines “I can hear your tears when they drop over the phone / Get mad at yourself cause you can’t leave me alone,” digging at an ex for still being stuck on him.
“LOVE YOU BETTER” shows its toxicity from the name alone, and has the lines “You telling me you falling out of love with me / Hope you can find someone to love you better than I did.”
Overall, this album earns itself a 7/10. It has a few strong songs and some new sounds from Future, but in the end, most of the album has a repetitive feel. Songs seem to blend together, without much distinction or memorability between them. However, the album was still able to get a spot for every song on the Billboard Hot 100, with “WAIT FOR U” taking number 1 on the list, proving that Future is still going strong in the rap game.