Q&A With FCA Co-Leader Helena Murphy

Gabriella Nerger, Staff writer

Senior co-leader, Helena Murphy, answers questions about the Fellowship of Christian Athletes club.

1. What is FCA? How was it created?

“FCA is the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. It was started a few years ago at the school by Cole Morcott, but it exists at other schools and has for a while”.

2. What is a typical meeting like, and how often do you meet?

“We meet every other week. We usually open in prayer, go through a devotional, and have open discussions at the end about what we talked about. We take prayer requests and end in prayer.”

3. How many students are part of the club? Do you wish more students were involved?

“We have a small fellowship of about 5 or 6 people. I do wish we could get more people involved, but we aren’t sure how to get people interested in talking about God”.

4. If you were to tell a student a reason to join, what would you tell them?

“It gives you a community. You don’t have to be a perfect Christian to join, it’s a place that allows you to explore your faith without judgment”.

5. What is your favorite part of FCA?

“It gives me a chance to have a fellowship outside of my church. I can have another community with the same beliefs at school”.

6. Is FCA only for Christian students, or are other students with other religions welcome?

“Everyone is welcome at FCA. People can come anytime they want no matter what religion, we just talk a lot about Jesus”.

7. Do you go anywhere outside of school, for example, church, volunteering, etc.?

“Earlier this year my co-leader, Lillian, and I volunteered at an FCA fundraiser. There were leaders from all over the area and it was a great experience”. 

8. Since you and co-leader, Lillian Alarcon, are seniors, do you have anyone to take the role/s? Do you plan on asking current juniors?

“We’ve brought it up to a few of our members, I think we’ll be able to carry it on in future years”. 

9. Are you proud of FCA? What does it mean to you?

“I am immensely proud of FCA. We’ve grown so much and hopefully will continue to grow. FCA helped me find my faith and was a massive part of my coming to Christianity. I went to Catholic school growing up, but choosing to go to FCA and making the decision to follow God myself was a huge point of growth for me”.

10. Do you have anything else to say about FCA?

“It’s a good place just to have a community and I think it’s a great way to start every other Friday. I hope we continue to grow and that this fellowship remains for many more years”.