Symbols Matter: Removing Club’s Mural Erased Important Message of Inclusivity

The Human Rights Club’s Homecoming mural, which featured a rainbow pride flag, was removed soon after the club completed it.
December 6, 2021
For the celebration and return of homecoming, students spent the weekend before the festivities painting and decorating the windows of businesses in downtown Lake Forest. Window painting, an LFHS homecoming tradition, is a bonding experience, a chance for students to get to know their fellow sports or club members.
Additionally, homecoming is about expressing our school’s spirit and values, as well as reflecting that pride by connecting with the community. This year, however, the LFHS Human Rights Club did not experience this feeling of support and community.
The club was assigned a window at Egg Harbor Cafe, a Lake Forest classic, and painted a mural, which showcased motifs of human rights. The display included flags of many countries, art of activist Keith Haring, symbols of peace, and last of all, a rainbow pride flag.
It was a colorful display of humanity and compassion, striving to portray the core principles of the Human Rights Club: inclusivity, empathy, generosity, and unity.
Sadly, it was erased.
The detailed painting exhibited the creativity and hard work of the students involved with the club. To our dismay, we learned Tuesday evening that the mural had been taken down entirely.
Principal Dr. Erin Lenart came to a meeting where the club discussed and contributed to a letter sent to Egg Harbor Cafe. Representatives of the club, such as myself, and the LFHS administration, including Dr. Lenart, spoke with a public relations official from Egg Harbor over the phone on Nov. 19. During this conversation, the spokesperson confirmed that customers complained about the pride flag, but a misunderstanding regarding how long the windows would stay up led to the mural being taken down prematurely.
As a next step forward, the representative apologized for the incident and stated that the company is willing to work with the club in future homecomings and other events.
As president of the club, I was very disheartened that both our hard work and the message we stand for as a club was erased. Unfortunately, it wasn’t much of a shock to me that a pride flag would be rejected in the Lake Forest and Lake Bluff communities. When painting the display, in the back of my mind, I knew there was a chance that we could face backlash for the flag.
Some might be quick to dismiss this as a minor incident; however, the homecoming windows are not just another annual tradition; they portray an artistic connection between students and community members. The specific symbol of using a window additionally demonstrates the purpose of the paintings; looking through windows allows students to be represented as they express themselves.
In this circumstance, the bond between the students and the community was broken, and the Human Rights Club was left feeling unseen. The mural was a symbol of inclusivity, and both Egg Harbor Cafe and those who complained about the window denied the club’s right to express this important message.
It is crucial to reflect on this incident and understand the bigger picture of the marginalization of the LGBTQ+ community in LFHS. Club member Brendan Arch reminds us that “putting up the flag doesn’t hurt anyone, but the action of taking it down does.”
Discussing human rights in the Lake Forest and Lake Bluff community is too often taboo, especially themes such as race, gender, sexuality, and politics. When discriminatory and exclusionary acts occur, it should be our priority to acknowledge them in order to be more conscious of differing perspectives, as well as become a more welcoming and inclusive society.
At the same time, however, we must establish that basic human rights of minority groups, which includes the LGBTQ+ community, are not up for debate, and we must hold the community accountable. In this case specifically, students should have the right to express themselves especially when considering the underrepresented identities that the pride flag symbolized.
Unfortunately, many students of the LGBTQ+ community do not feel as welcome as their cisgender and straight peers.
“Although many students and teachers are supportive here, I do not feel comfortable expressing my identity fully. I’ve also faced negative reactions from some who I’ve come out to, due to society’s standards that reinforce heteronormativity, which are very present at our school,” said one student under the condition of anonymity.
Another critical issue within the LGBTQ+ community is the lack of representation, which plays a major role in this situation especially. When the painting was erased, so was the acceptance of diverse gender and sexuality orientations.
In the week of homecoming, a time to celebrate school spirit and the start of a new year, our goal as a school is to highlight the pride of students. However, in the future, a value our community needs to prioritize is inclusivity, in order to represent the entirety of the student body.
We all have the choice to ignore, acknowledge, or support issues so prevalent in our school and community. It is each individual’s job to educate themselves on what’s right, especially when it comes to deconstructing societal norms that are harmful to the identities of others.
Junior Alia Attar is the President of the Human Rights Club.
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Tax Payer • Dec 5, 2021 at 6:23 pm
A private business has every right to stay out of anything that could be deemed as political or divisive.
Tax Payer • Dec 5, 2021 at 5:27 pm
This is insanity! When did it become acceptable for high school students, or anyone else for that matter, to demand local businesses display and support anyone’s sexuality!! Somehow over the past years, our school leaders have given in to the demands of a few and allowed private, value based family matters to infiltrate the public school system leaving students vulnerable to questionable intentions of school staff. Their ONLY business must be to teach academic subjects. Clubs created to celebrate the sexuality of minors has no place in our community. For decades, members of Lake Forest and Lake Bluff worked very hard to create a polite, civil society. Let’s not ruin it.
Facts • Dec 4, 2021 at 11:38 pm
“Concerned student” and “Concerned Christian” are not concerned. They are bigoted and ignorant hatemongers trying to continue a campaign of misinformation and false claims. No one finds the biased and inflammatory rhetoric anything but ridiculous and wrong.
Katharine Christie • Dec 4, 2021 at 9:35 pm
We’ve lived in Lake Forest for almost 20 years & eat at Egg Harbor almost every weekend . I’m very glad you wrote about this because I was not aware of this hurtful incident.
Being gay is not wrong, a mistake or something to be ashamed of – and Rainbow Pride flags are normal . I thought people knew this already !
While I realize that there are some people whose religious views are anti- gay -luckily Egg Harbor is not a house of worship. Pancakes can & should be enjoyed by people of all faiths or no faith in an environment that welcomes all members of our community.
I’m glad that EH apologized & will work with the club in the future & for what it’s worth I’ll let them know I support them in that effort.
Concerned Christian • Dec 4, 2021 at 8:11 pm
I am currently praying for all that had a meltdown upon being enlightened on the true and correct Christianity! May God bless you all and save your souls
Representation Matters • Dec 4, 2021 at 2:48 pm
Beautifully written, thank you to the author and to The Forest Scout for the supportive platform. Your community stands in proud support of ?️? rights and this family will find, champion and pour $$ into awesome local businesses who are vocally embracing and lifting up our amazing kids. Let’s make being kind and inclusive a no brainer.
Concerned Parent • Dec 4, 2021 at 11:30 am
Shame on Egg Harbor for taking down the mural. Yes they are a privately owned business and can do what they want. The fact that they wanted to take this down when it represented such a beautiful sentiment tells me that I will not patronize their establishment any longer. I
Suggest others take the same stance. There are plenty other places to go for breakfast and lunch in the area. My wish is that Egg Harbor addresses what they have done with a sincere apology.
LF Dad • Dec 4, 2021 at 10:37 am
Kudos to the Forest Scout for giving the students to express their points of view and values. It also takes a lot of courage to put your name and pen to paper. It takes a lot of courage for LGBTQ+ students come out especially knowing that “Concerned student” is your class mate and “Concerned Christian” is your neighbor. As a cisgender man, I try to put myself in the shoes of an LGBTQ+ person going to school in this neighborhood and I can see how it can be unwelcoming at times. It must be hard in those cases where you might not even be welcomed within your own family. It took me a long time to develop this awareness and my kids coming home to educate me on these issues. Unfortunately, not everyone will change their way of thinking no matter how much energy you put into it. The moment you realize that people like “concerned Christian” will always be there, that “bro culture”, homophobia, and racism exists, the better equipped you will be at navigating life. Raise the issues, do what’s important for you, but try not to waste excessive energy on people set in their ways. There are many other places and things that deserve your time. There are friends, and family that will welcome you. This is a great community, and love that my kids have friends across all spectrums from the die hard patriots to the social justice warriors. They will leave LF one day and I want them to be equipped. This article and the comments sheds light for them.
Another LF Dad • Dec 4, 2021 at 7:46 pm
The Forest Scout is doing a great disservice to the community publishing an article like this that is supportive of destructive behaviors and beliefs. If you were actually putting yourself objectively in the shoes of these people, you would see the errors of their ways and do something to try to help them change! These “people set in their ways” are simply fighting for what has been true for thousands of years! Also, every major religion is in agreement on this issue.
LF Dad • Dec 6, 2021 at 5:47 pm
I think the Forest Scout is great. I’m not going to help them change what you see as destructive behaviors. Whether they write in support of YAF, LGBTQ+, or any other issue they get my support for taking the time to articulate their points of view and for taking a stand. Controlling what they write about doesn’t seem democratic. They get my support. I think the opinions shared and comments here helps open up the fact that this neighborhood is diverse in it’s thought. Your kids may be friends with mine. They will always be welcome in my home. I enjoy them cheering on the Scouts, laughing about Homecoming, and consoling in each other about how hard school is at times. I know they don’t share the same ideological values but there is more that they have in common that they cherish in what I hope are life long friendships than letting ideology split them apart. I see them learning to value each other versus disrespecting and hating each other. The world is diverse, our kids will be venturing out there soon, and thousands of years of religion will not change how diverse our society is. I just hope that there are more people that can see that even with all these differences, we’re still on the same team. To all the authors of Forest Scout, keep doing what you’re doing. As you can see, opinions won’t change. GO SCOUTS!!!!!!! Blue and Gold.. all the way!!!!!
judy friedes-craig • Dec 4, 2021 at 7:49 am
I am a community member. I am very disappointed and sad that this was taken down. It was pretty. It was well done. It made people think about the students who completed it and I would hope that people would realize the group was probably a diverse group of high school teenagers expressing themselves in an appropriate way.
Concerned Christian • Dec 4, 2021 at 7:47 pm
Doesn’t matter if a group is a bunch of diverse high school teenagers. Focus on the message they’re spreading, and in this case it is a bad one.
Concerned Student • Dec 3, 2021 at 9:06 pm
Everyone that is upset over erased paint, needs to get a grip of reality. Egg Harbor, a privately owned establishment, had every right to do what they did. It is absolutely farcical that citizens of our community are taking the time out of their day to stir up such a controversy. Also, for the citizens of lake forest to come to such extreme conclusions, such as egg harbor is “homophobic”, and/or “does not support gay rights”, just because paint was erased, is simply illogical. Everyone needs to realize that there are more important social issues that we should be putting our energy into, instead of such nonsensical arguments. Get a grip lake forest.
Grow Up • Dec 3, 2021 at 7:28 pm
Egg Harbor is privately owned and can do whatever they want. The fact that people are making a big deal about this shows that they have too much time on their hands. It’s great to have gay pride, but it crosses a line when you are going after individuals who had no intent of “harming” anyone. Attacking an innocent business is not a new behavior considering the left rioted and looted in the name of civil rights. It’s time to grow up and realize that the whole world isn’t against you because you are the “minority”. Please toughen up!
LF MOM • Dec 3, 2021 at 5:02 pm
I think the mural is beautiful and find it very disappointing and appalling that Egg Harbor would take it down prematurely. I hope that the business issues an apology to the LFHS students and to the broader community. We have patronized Egg Harbor for years and it will be hard to go there again knowing what they have done.
confused • Dec 4, 2021 at 7:48 pm
Lol all egg harbor did is stand up for their (correct) beliefs and you talk about them like they’ve done something horrific
Proud • Dec 3, 2021 at 4:21 pm
Love the mural—really beautiful and thoughtful work! Would love to see more of this in lf/lb for sure. Thanks to all of the students that contributed to create it. I’m so sorry it was taken down—absolutely not ok.
And for the “Concerned Christian” that responded. I’m pretty sure Jesus would not have appreciated, nor agreed with your opinions in any way shape or form. Definitely not very “Christian” as you say–so maybe find a new word to describe yourself and take Christ out of it.
Concerned Christian • Dec 4, 2021 at 7:49 pm
Look up Leviticus 18:22. That is what the book that recognizes Jesus as our Messiah has to say about this issue. I agree we must pray for those living their lives in sin, and work through LOVE to help them improve their situation!
Concerned Christian • Dec 2, 2021 at 3:38 pm
Putting up that flag does hurt people by degrading our community and pushing an ideology on them that harms our children especially. When you put up that flag you are normalizing deviant behavior and behavior that offends the religion practiced by most Lake Foresters – Christianity. Egg Harbor is within their rights to take it down, after all it is their storefront. Stop complaining about their actions, the “rainbow pride” flag shouldn’t be up in the first place.
Concerned empathetic human being • Dec 3, 2021 at 8:48 am
I heavily disagree with your perspective. Additionally, I believe that you are placing your Christian beliefs onto our entire community and generalizing. I find it disgusting that anyone in the 21st century could hold such an outlandish and outdated belief. I think you need to educate yourself and try to find the ability in your heart to treat all people with human dignity rather than acting like they are a blight on humanity.
Be Gay Do Crime • Dec 3, 2021 at 9:05 am
Dearest Concerned Christian,
On behalf of the alphabet mafia, we are sorry that our “rainbow pride” flag has offended you. Truly it must be a hard world to live in when a series of colors on a piece of fabric (representing people who have nothing to do with you and just want to live their lives) offends you. Since you have pointed out that Christianity must be the ONLY religion in Lake Forest (and there are totally not OTHER religions here as well), I would like to point out that there are several sects of Christianity that do not consider being LGBTQ+ as “deviant” and so you yourself are pushing your own beliefs and generalizations onto others just as you claimed the pride flag was. I am sorry you feel so concerned about the children of our community being exposed to such a “harmful” ideology, but isn’t it more important that kids feel as though it is okay to be different than others rather than hate themselves over who they are? Anyways, hope you have a wonderful day with your concerned christian-ness and hopefully may someday recognize that people who are different than you still deserve to be treated like human beings.
Concerned Christian • Dec 4, 2021 at 7:54 pm
Apology accepted. It is a very hard world to live in, when at every twist and turn something to evil to our Christian faith is shoved in your face. It is offensive to Christians and offensive to God. I never said Christianity is the only religion in Lake Forest. It is the majority one and therefore must be treated as such. Any sect of Christianity that considers LGBT as acceptable is heretical and should not be followed, and should not be considered Christian. There are few of these, by the way. I will always treat every human as a human being, made in the image of God!
Equally as concerned Christian • Dec 3, 2021 at 9:41 am
As a private business, they have every right to remove the symbol from their storefront, likewise, these students have the right to hold the establishment accountable for the harm which they have caused towards the lgbtq+ community in the Lake Forest/Lake Bluff communities. The fact that you cannot empathize with marginalized students in your own community is extremely disheartening. I pray to God that soon you will be able to find your way and deviate from this hatred that pushes you further from the teachings of Jesus Christ. In the meantime, I, myself, will be enjoying my breakfasts at Walker Brothers and Full Moon until Egg Harbor can remedy this action.
Horrified mother • Dec 3, 2021 at 10:23 am
It would behoove you to take a few steps out of Lake Forest and realize that there is a bigger world out there, full of all sorts of people who are different from you. It is the differences that make us interesting and those of us who are brave enough to leave the LF bubble and meet people who don’t think, act, talk, or love like us truly benefit from those meetings. Your intolerance and hate have nothing to do with Christianity so please stop hiding behind it and try meeting someone different.
Concerned Christian • Dec 4, 2021 at 7:58 pm
I’d gladly take a few steps out of Lake Forest to communities where a comment like this one on the high school newspaper is not met with such terrible replies! I wouldn’t characterize my beliefs as hate or intolerance, but rather love for my neighbor in helping them see the truth. I am not hiding behind Christianity, it is my faith and I will defend its honor.
Other Concerned Empathetic Human Being • Dec 3, 2021 at 10:25 am
You, ‘Concerned Christian’ are the reason this article was written in the first place: to address the homophobia and discrimination in this town, even in the smallest matters. In this comment, you are only proving our point. Also, you are one of the least Christian Christians I know… isn’t your whole religion based on values kindness and forgiveness? That being said, I forgive you for your mistake! Have a nice day!
Shaya Scales • Dec 3, 2021 at 10:37 am
Everyone is allowed to have their own beliefs, but saying that putting up a pride flag can “hurt people” is sickening. How does being gay effect you? People in the community are not hurting you in any way, they are just being themselves. No one can control who you are attracted to. What if it was the other way around and there was a ‘straight’ pride flag that someone drew on the Egg Harbor window and people were offended so it had to be taken down, how would you feel? Being straight has always been normalized, so why should being gay not be? This is why people in the community feel discriminated. I’m sorry that drawing a pride flag offends you but maybe you should put yourself in someone else’s shoes. People part of the LGBTQ+ community have been kicked out of their homes, unsupported by friends and family and even killed. Straight people will never understand this, it’s time to start normalizing being gay because frankly… who cares, let people love who they love; cisgender people are allowed to. Again, people can have their own opinions but if you have any beliefs like this you should do some reflecting.
SMH • Dec 3, 2021 at 11:05 am
Dear Concerned Christian,
Please do your homework. As someone with a parochial school upbringing, I’d like to redirect you to the New Testament, which makes clear through its parables that Jesus befriended those who were ostracized and rejected: the fraudalent tax collector, the leper, the prostitute, etc. Repeatedly, the parables serve as a reminder to the pious Pharisees to embrace those who are othered by society, not condemn them. Check the plank in your own eye before using a bastardized understanding of Christianity as a defense for dehumanizing others and repeling people further from G-d’s message of grace.
Luke 18:9 And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt
Matthew 5:7 In the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Riley Jursa, an empathic jew • Dec 3, 2021 at 11:35 am
I find that your insecure, and that’s alright but I’m going to just give you some thought. We live in America, freedom here is a privilege that we get to exercise. I’m sure your a patriot, I’m assuming, as this nation is a pro-dominantly Christian. So, as a patriot I’m sure you know the constitutional rights we get to exercise living in America. One of these rights, I’m sure you know, is freedom of speech. Have you ever seen those Christian teachers out on the street? Preaching the teachings of Christ? I’m sure you have. As a Jewish individual, I look at them and see the very demonstration of our constitutional right to be free to teach others and say what we want without punishment. As a Jewish individual, I don’t find that I feel pressured to be a Christian. And so goes for this, I’m assuming your not gay, and neither am I. But many people are, more than you think. Don’t you just feel proud when you see your fellow Christians educating others about the religion? Implicating Christian REPRESENTATION in our society? It’s important right. As is this, so when I say this to you I need you to hear me: it’s important that all groups in America are represented to people regardless of faith. Because in America we have the constitutional right to do so without capital punishment, and I’d consider that, loving thy neighbor. A true patriotic act, imbracing your neighbors.
John Brown • Dec 3, 2021 at 4:04 pm
You are not a Christian.
And you will suffer greatly for spreading hate while pretending to speak in the name of Jesus Christ.
In God's image • Dec 4, 2021 at 8:07 pm
I pray for you considering you have wished ill on another person.
ItsThe21stCentury • Dec 3, 2021 at 6:58 pm
Tell me you aren’t really a Christian without actually saying you aren’t really a Christian….
Thankfully, your “brand” of Christianity is dying out.
To the club, thank you for bringing this to the attention of the public. We are frequent diners at EHC and will be visiting other places for the time being…not that we will effect their bottom line by not purchasing food several times a week, but it is the overall principle of the situation; hopefully they will take a stronger stance against hate.
Patriot • Dec 4, 2021 at 8:09 pm
Ha, you sure wish this “brand” of Christianity was dying out. Why do you think so many responded to the comment? The evil in our society live in fear. They know that God and Christ are true and will judge them greatly for their sins against the human race. I am SO glad it is the 21st century, because we are going to take this country back!
Me • Dec 3, 2021 at 7:17 pm
What an unkind, un-Christian, and downright hateful comment. Christianity does not vilify fellow humans…Jesus encouraged us to love our fellow people no matter what you might think or feel about them. Your narrow-minded attitude is why churches are chasing away would-be parishioners. You can feel however you want about the LGBTQ+ community (even though I personally think you couldn’t be more wrong) but you are not the judge and jury for anyone. God is. Your job is to treat others, regardless of sexual orientation, as you yourself would want to be treated. You’re crashing and burning on the most central tenet to Christianity. May I suggest that you refresh yourself and take a read of your bible?
Concerned Christian • Dec 4, 2021 at 8:10 pm
You’re right, I’m not the jury and I’m not the judge, God is. But God’s word in Leviticus 18:22 and numerous other points in the Bible makes His thoughts very clear.
Gigi!!!!! :)))))))):((((((((((!!!!!!! • Dec 6, 2021 at 8:52 am
This is literally the most embarrassing comment I’ve ever read, and you must be very aware of that considering all of your 100 comments don’t have your name. (Which I would love to know so that I could adopt your poor child who hopefully doesn’t have to go through their teenage years in the closet.)