Mullets, Mohawks and Headphones
Varsity football continues tradition of wearing ridiculous haircuts
September 2, 2021
The first normal football season in two years started last week, restoring a chance to play in front of a student section, carrying on the undefeated legacy, and best of all, cutting iconic, ridiculous haircuts for each other.
Every season before the first game, the varsity football team gets together to give themselves ridiculous haircuts.
“We do the haircuts to show team spirit, togetherness, and team bonding,” said senior Watson Allan who has the number 62 shaved in the back of his head.
Seniors, who typically do mohawks or mullets, get to choose their haircuts, while juniors are forced to sit back and let the seniors decide. No objections.
“The seniors just like to mess with the juniors and give them the worst haircuts,” said senior Quinn Garrigan. “It gives the juniors something to look forward to next year when they get to do it to the new rookies.”
When talking to some of the members on the team, it was clear that there is much team building that comes out of the experience.
“Each year, a senior has it at their house after practice and we have a team dinner right before the haircuts, so it’s a really fun time,” senior captain Jake Milliman said.
Another catch to the haircuts: The players have to shave their heads once they lose.
You would think having a buzz-cut would be more appealing to the players than the crazy haircuts, but Garrigan said, “Nobody wants to have their heads shaved like that, so it’s a nice motivation factor to win.”

Two of the funniest haircuts, as described by the players, are senior Dakota Fitzgerald and junior Matt Durberg.
Fitzgerald could have chosen his haircut, so it was a surprise to see him with the “headphones” haircut.
“My haircut is supposed to be in the shape of headphones,” Fitzgerald said, laughing. “I didn’t really care; they just decided to do it.”
Durberg has his hair shaved in the shape of a “Y”.
“It’s a position I used to play, but I don’t even play that position anymore.”
Despite his silly haircut, Durberg enjoys the tradition. “Haircuts are one of the best parts of football. Even though I look kind of dumb, it’s fun to experience something as a team that we can all relate to.”
In hopes of not shaving their heads this Friday night, wish the football team luck for another win against Carmel! Be there to support the Scouts Friday, 7:30 p.m. at West.