10 Questions with Sarah Constantine

Molly Fisher, Staff Writer

Freshman Sarah Constantine played on the Girls Varsity Basketball team as a point guard, and now is the starting goalie for the Girls Varsity Soccer team. Here are 10 questions to help you get to know Sarah. 


1. When did you start playing soccer and basketball?

  • “2nd grade.”

2. Do you have a favorite between soccer and basketball?

  • “Basketball. I really spend more time working on basketball and have always loved playing the sport, whether it is on the court, or cheering on my teammates.”

3. Was the transition hard coming from middle school into high school and now being on two varsity teams?

  • “Nope. I am grateful to have such amazing teammates.”

4. Do you have a favorite memory while playing high school basketball or soccer? 

  • “Hanging out with the older girls and jamming out in the car with them before games.”

5. What’s your pre-game routine? 

  • “Getting hyped up while listening to music.”

6. In the sports world, who is your role model?

  • “Watching basketball players and professional athletes I have always loved watching Steph Curry and everything he does on and off the court. He always puts on a show and I would always break down moves he does and go outside to perfect them.”

7. If you could play another sport, what would it be?

  • “Football. When my older brother comes over we always play football and being a goalkeeper in soccer is kinda similar. Not to mention if I could play on a boys team professionally would be AMAZING!”

8. How has the experience of being a two-sport varsity athlete been?

  • “Amazing and a lot of fun!”

9. What’s one thing that people don’t know about you?

  • “I am a germaphobe.”

10. What’s one piece of advice you would give to incoming freshmen about trying out for sports at LFHS?

  • “You can do anything you put your mind to and hard work pays off.”