Halloween in 2020
How Halloween will look different this year due to Illinois’ COVID-19 regulations.
October 30, 2020
Halloween is a festive holiday that brings the world together over the shared love for candy. It seems to be a month-long celebrated holiday that involves haunted houses, scary movies, corn mazes, and pumpkins.
We already know that Halloween is giving out very differently this year, but the question is how different are we talking about?
Globally there has been an immense change: holiday activities have been delayed and in some places the whole Halloween celebration has been canceled. But if we are talking more locally, Highwoods and Lake Bluff have their own set of rules involving the status of their annual events.
During this season of spooky, Highwood is famous for their annual Great Pumpkin Festival benefiting Make A Wish Foundation. Sadly this event was canceled this year, but that hasn’t stopped the town of Highwood from celebrating. All over the town they have placed skeletons to keep the festival sprite up. The town of Highwood has also permitted trick or treating with a set of CDC guidelines.
With the proper safety measures everyone can happily enjoy their spooky season. To start off, the city of Highwood has set a curfew via the City of Highwood’s Facebook Page. “Children may trick or treat on Saturday, October 31, 2020, between the hours of 3:00 – 7:00 PM,” said in the Facebook post.
Highwood city officials also ask that if you, any member in your household, or anyone you have come in contact with is feeling unwell, you stay at home. They’ve posted “The CDC does not recommend that individuals wear a costume mask over a protective cloth mask, because it can be dangerous if the costume mask makes it hard to breathe.” Candy should be left on your porch, one group at a time when receiving candy, and remember to sanitize your hands and the candy wrappers.
Lake Bluff is known for its trick or treating hotspot, as kids from all over the North Shore come together to celebrate. Not only that, but as a town, Lake Bluff also celebrates the annual police department hotdog giveaway which this year has been canceled.

Lake Bluff Mayor Kathleen O’Hara has helped to answer some of the important questions concerning the new changes on this year’s Halloween day.
“The Village does not recommend Trick or Treating this year, but have put out CDC guidelines if people decide to do it,” said O’Hara.
Nonetheless, the pressure isn’t on for people to participate this year. “People can decide if they want to put out candy this year,” O’Hara said. This year Kathleen O’Hara has no Halloween plans, as she usually helps hand out hot dogs at the police station. And when it comes to wearing a mask, “Anyone trick or treating needs to wear a mask besides their costumes ‘.’
O’Hara explained that the normal curfew of 4 to 8:30 has been shortened, as it is now the hours of 4 to 7.
Small neighborhoods among towns along the North Shore have gathered together in order to create small sections of houses where their kids can safely trick or treat and receive a Halloween experience. The festivity of Halloween is never going to be disrupted, however people need to make sure that they are following the correct guidelines,” said O’Hara, “My final words to everyone are to stay safe and have a happy Halloween.”